
Responses from palasr

Born to Run: Why the Poor Sound Quality?
Agreed. In the pantheon of legendary rock LPs, this has to be one of the most poorly recorded of all time. However, why does "10th Avenue Freeze-out" sound so good compared to the rest of the album which is all murk and muffle. I'd be curious to h... 
Armboard recommendation for Linn/Cetech subchassis
When I owned my Cetech-ed Linn LP12, I drilled straight through a "standard" Linn armboard, and left the bolt heads exposed on top - quite handsome actually, as they were rounded stainless-steel Allens. This also provides for a much more rigid mou... 
New TT ideas please
Galibier. Of course, I'm gleefully biased.-Richard 
Zeta tonearm serial number
You might want to post this on the Pink Fish Media site. Since it's a UK site, several folks over there use the Zeta, and might be able to steer you toward the necessary resources to accurately date your arm. Good listening,-Richard 
Top turntables?
Cytocycle,I tend to think it is all in the ear of the beholder, meaning absolutely relative anyway, but I'll make a brief response to your query. Indeed I have had considerably more expensive cartridges on my Galibier (in the $1-2K range), mated t... 
Top turntables?
Dgad,I'll disagree - I think $300 will get you a great cartridge IF it's mounted on a table/arm up to the task. I'd spend the most on a table, then the arm, and place the cart after the horse...say 55-65% table, 10% on a cart and the rest on the a... 
Why does New York radio station sond so good?
Klystron tubes are used primarily in television broadcasting, microwave transmission and radar. The modulation level from a Klystron would be too high for radio broadcasting.I'd guess the station in question has a good, clean processing chain coup... 
Refurbished Projector Lamps--Experiences???
While I'm not completely certain of the method of remanufacturing, my thinking is that "recycled" lamps reuse the non-expendable portions of the lamp assembley (the metal hosuing, the wiring harness and the reflective outer glass shell), replacing... 
Refurbished Projector Lamps--Experiences???
As a technician at a sizeable northeastern engineering university, I can say our experiences have been less than stellar with "recycled" lamps. I'd have to guess it's kind of like "recycled" ink jet printer cartridges: you get what you pay for. -R. 
Should I Brush My Cartridge After Each Use?
Hi folks,So the Magic "Green" Linn paper has always bothered me (I know it works - I don't dispute that in the slightest; I've used it for years in an emergency capacity, and have seen the before and after results under a scope). How can the relat... 
tonearm match ZYX Universe Moerch and Triplanar
Tom,I'd guess most Galibier users site the table on a floor stand, especially if you have the added benefit of sitting on a concrete floor. From there, I'd say the field is open - Thom favors building a sandbox with an aluminum top plate that beds... 
tonearm match ZYX Universe Moerch and Triplanar
Tom,I think you'll be out of the optimum weight range of the Neuance shelf if you're considering placing the Gavia on it (or the Target wall mount shelf for that matter). IIRC, the weight limit for the Neuance shelf is around 35-40 lbs - the Gavia... 
Rega p-5 power supply ubgrade
I might add that if you have an older Rega Planar 2/3 (and I believe the 25), the Heed Orbit power supply is quite a nice upgrade as well - somewhat rare on the used market, but quite affordable new. 
How far would you drive to audition a component?
I flew from Albany NY to Denver CO to audition the Galibier. While one can read about the product, and chat with the maker - the proof is in the pudding, so to speak. In this price category, it would be nearly analogous to buying a new car without... 
Tripping Breakers
Hi,Does the problem occur repeatedly after you reset the breaker? Does the fuse in the amp blow? Often, any device which uses a torroidal transformer in the power supply will have a current inrush that momentarily exceeds the rating of the breaker...