

Responses from panzrwagn

3-4 dB dip at crossover region: what should I listen for to hear it?
@erik_squires I think you were thinking of Linkeitz-Riley crossovers which are nominally -6dB at the crossover points.   And as far as the ASR crowd, I have a sneaking suspicion the individuals commenting have never heard the JBL 4349 or heard o... 
Where to go next with the turntable
I think going from the low-mass Rega design to a high mass VPI would likely do two things: 1) Give you the warmth and solidity you're looking for and 2) Put you in the unique - and enviable - position of being able to speak authoritatively on the ... 
How noisy is my line? Audio Prism Noise Sniffer
@eric_squires Any test test equipment that provides quantitative data will require some degree of technical capability by the user, but I agree, many do require a little too much Electrical Engineering background, not to mention significant capita... 
How noisy is my line? Audio Prism Noise Sniffer
Buy a digital oscilloscope for under $400 and learn how to use it. Way more informative and useful, way less woojum.  
Ribbon cable inside amplifiers
I have a hard time believing that in a product at the level of a Pass Labs the design team would compromise SQ in the name of assembly expediency. If Nelson Pass thought for one minute that a construction technique compromised his amp, do you real... 
Good Speakers for Rock and Roll Under 15K
JBL 3900 $11K/or or JBL 4367 $16K/pr. And I'm a British speaker and Magneplanar guy mostly. But if you want to rock with something that aren't rip your ears off harsh, these bigger JBLs have got it covered. Especially with 25 (tube) watts per chan... 
Lowest priced MC thats better than a Premium MM?
I have - and love - a Hana SH. Yet some people dismiss all HOMC carts, Hana Dynavector, Sumiko, with a wave of the hand and not so much as a whiff of reason why. Care to explain?  
Your greatest high end audio purchase!!!
Marantz 1060 Integrated Amp, Philips GA-212/B&O SP-12 and Large Advents. My college system. Had to have a TT with auto-stop. Put lots of miles on that system. Would own any of those pieces again. Marantz 3250170DC/2110 Stack. Gorgeous to look... 
can subwoofers make things worse?
I've been around subwoofers since M&K first introduced them in mid-70s. I've used them with lots of speakers, large and small including Magnepans and KEF LS-50s, both notoriously difficult to get 'right' with subs. Two major success criteria: ... 
Using PA Speakers In A Home "Audiophile" Application!
You can commute to work in a 3/4 ton longbed dually diesel pickup also, although most folks wouldn't really enjoy it. But if it needed to tow a 25 foot boat, that's a good choice.  Same goes for speakers. I was in pro sound for many years, and ha... 
New Phono Cart with Character Needed
Hana SH high output MC. Hanas have the dynamic punch that MM carts just can't quite deliver, without the exorbitant cost of most MCs. Grado Sonata is another good choice, but they are prone to hum in some rigs. Soundsmith Carmen, like Grado, is a ... 
Dc voltage sent to my speakers
Some amps are heavily current limited and under low impedance/high output conditions will clamp their output so that the output resembles straight DC or clipping (or a square wave, for that matter). Because this keeps the amps VA output within saf... 
Dc voltage sent to my speakers
Some amps are heavily current limited and under low impedance/high output conditions will clamp their output so that the output resembles straight DC or clipping (or a square wave, for that matter). Because this keeps the amps VA output within saf... 
What was the first power cable that you noticed a difference in the sound?
@ditusa Hope you never have a fire, because if you do you won't get dime one of insurance. What you've done is a complete violation of the National Electrical Code, and an adjuster will notice it in a heartbeat.  
Help ? with upgrade to budget system
You're going from a 960ft3 room to one over 11,000ft3. You're going to need a much bigger speaker to fill that space at even moderate levels. You're also going to need a speaker with controlled directivity - horns. That means either vintage Altec,...