
Responses from pause

Jeff Rowland Capri preamp
I was one of the guys whocalled the Capri "tube-like". Frankly it just seemed the easiest way to characterize it because of the Capri's inherent musicality, sweetness and texture. It's just a sweet little amp and the description is more a short ha... 
Jeff Rowland Capri preamp
Well, I've had my capri running for close to a 1000 hours and it sounds fantastic. I'm totally loving this little amp. This is the cornerstone of my system, the speakers, power amp and cd player all contribute to a great degree but the Capri makes... 
Transistor Preamp that sounds like a Tube Preamp?
I second the Capri, the sound is lush, liquid, fatigue free and very very musical. Very organic and it does not have the typical soild state etching. but i think you have to pair it with a slightly neutral to warm amp. 
Primare A32
I briefly auditioned one, i found it to have a pretty wide dynamic range and it was pretty neutral throughout.Initially when running it i found no real difference with my lower powered amp in terms of gain. In fact it sounds softer in a way with a... 
Do the Jeff Rowland 201 amplifiers have warmth?
i tried these monoblocks over a weekend, I have to stress that these amps were brand new so no break-in yet AND they weren't run in balanced mode. I felt the drive was definitely lacking at low volumes and even in higher volumes it was slightly re... 
Jeff Rowland Capri preamp
The Jeff Rowland Capri is incredibly musical. I'm running it with Dynaudio speakers and the result is hours of fatigue free listening. Very involving musically. The soundstage and depth is expansive, the top end is sweetly rendered with very very ...