

Responses from pbnaudio

Acceptable level of hum at max volume?
A Phono Preamp has a LARGE amount of gain - some hum will almost always be present - if you cannot hear it at your listening position between tracks at normal to loud listening level - don't worry about it.As Always - Good ListeningPeter 
Don't read you'll be sorry
Interesting tread - just checked the Audioquest retail price book, a pair of K2 Speaker cables @ 8 feet long have a MSRP of US$14050 as of November 2011.If what is ordered from Hong Kong is the real deal then $380 certainly is a bargain :-) This h... 
Ypsilon BC-1 Balanced Transformers - $3600?
JensenAbove lets you do the same for about $250 for a pairGood luckPeter 
Makeshift tonearm for under $800
The Jelco is a very nice arm, and it mates very nicely with a Denon DL103R cartridge , you could do both new for about your budget target.Good listeningPeter 
Modification that has proved to be transformative
Duelund Capacitors are indeed great - but expensive - if they were to be used within the regular retail chain they would add about $6000 to the price of the equipment they were installed in - in your $ 1200 cost scenario.You should try the Jupiter... 
Should I upgrade to a Manley Chinook phono pre-amp
Have you considered the Liberty B2B-1 ?I make themThanksPeterLibertyMore Liberty 
DIY turntable plinth material
SemiShoot me an email and I can send you some pictures of others we have madepbnaudio@me.comThanksPeter 
Granny,When you replaced the capacitors on your two solid-state pieces, did you use a equivalent capacitor or a better one. If equivalent, and an improvement in sound - then you replaced a older dried out one with one that was up to spec and there... 
new cart and Where's the bass ?
Is is set up correctly on your table ? 
DIY turntable plinth material
Turntable Plinth 
Granny,First thanks for keeping this a civil discussion of opinions unlike others that have chimed in on this thread.I took a look at your earlier posts and reviews and it appears that you favor tubed equipment where in some cases the power supply... 
Audiofail I'm in absolute agreement !Good ListeningPeter 
Granny,I get that one can tell a difference between wires , interconnect and speaker cables that is - power cords - well - if of decent gauge and with quality connectors - then not so much. I can certainly also agree that proper mechanical isolati... 
Audiofeil, Thanks for the compliment - Good listeningPeter 
GrannyI'd love to have you in a double blind test on PS capacitors in a power amplifier - large electrolytic ones - if you can tell any difference from a Cornell to a Mallory to a United Chemicon, Rifa, or any other reputable manufacture and repea...