
Discussions pc123v has started

Gryphon Diablo 250 vs 30058550
Organic, musical and natural sounding speakers up to $12K461523
Shiit Loki24681
Warm, lush and dark ... Dac up to 1.2K1464432
Smooth Jazz ---- Well recorded redbook CDs compilations.34089
Best solo piano recording...redbook CDs only...Jazz, easy listening, piano bar389025
Audioquest PSC bi-wire jumpers29200
up to $2,500 to spend............437920
CDP...one channel a lot louder28533
Harbeth SHL5 vs SHL5 PLUS2966430
Audio Space LS-3/5a Bookshelf with SW-1a Subs23595
Need recommendations.. Solo acoustic guitar CDs344930
"mix and match" speaker cables.18001
RPG styrofoam 2d diffusor knock offs22150
Voice and instrument image bunched in the middle??570329