
Discussions pdspecl has started

Table enhancements on a budget-44195
2nd system to enjoy music again, you too???11630
AM/FM set up for office313311
Preamp for Monarchy amps?33691
Cheap but decent preamp ???1052017
AMC 2100 amps - what's your great bang for the $?189697
SS amp - which one ???1997626
Thorens Motor where to???26250
VTL 2.5 preamp not too shabby3015718
How good? - Dared Mc-7p Tube preamp w phono56822
SS Preamp Suggestions Please67437
ARCAM DV137 fix firm ware, help51713
Toshiba ST-420 tuner, any one heard of this ???59262
Thorens TD-290 VTA Adjustment ???16330
Grado Gold versus Denon DL-160 ????59824