Responses from petg60
Difference in sound between Siemens e88cc and e188cc? E188CC is a better tube overall more dynamic better bass with a more vivid presentation. All the positive traits of e88cc with more effortless sound and quiter. Soundstage is wider.I dont find e88cc astringent or sterile if that is what you mean b... | |
Difference in sound between Siemens e88cc and e188cc? HI,E188CC round getter sounds more like Amperex (USA).A Frames sound more like Cca with more speed and closer to Voskhod 6323P mid 70's. | |
Mundorf Silver Caps Hi,i would prefer Clarity cap MR, CMR or Audyn caps for projects like this.Better matched and less coloured. MR's CMR's especially can stand the heat in tubed units. Better caps are a worthwile improvement as resistors in certain spots.Besides @no... | |
Do expensive cables/wires REALLY make a difference Hi,they do make a difference.Get a cheap cable on high end system, how will it sound? DULL to start with. Get a high end cable on a cheap system, how will it sound? BRIGHT to start with. Still cannot believe that people deny this fact after so man... | |
Analogue question Hi,as tonearm cable is most propably jointed at a small board inside the table my guess is that by moving it the first time some earthing got detached as long as you did not make any other change, ie taking cartridge out. Undo the underside and in... | |
Mitchum or Blackburn for the Mullard 6922? Hi,codes? | |
Mitchum or Blackburn for the Mullard 6922? Hi,i believe all E88CC/6922/CV2492/CV2493 were made at Mitcham factory (code R). Blackburn (code B) made ECC88, though having the Master facility as well. I never traced a Blackburn made E88CC even to back 1961 made ones, if ever made at that fact... | |
My AT150MLX Cartridge has been misaligned for 4 years HI,Way off? I assume your previous protractor was showing something else otherwise your records would not sound great tiil end of record side, so your cartridge was not sounding so great and was missaligned to start with. Still after setting with ... | |
Is it fine to bunch together power wires? Hi,best way to keep them seperated or if not possible try to make the cross each other. | |
Fully upgraded Rega P3 vs P8 Hi,P8 is a different design a more sophisticated one and will outperform your modified P3. Carries a better arm too. If you are happy with current tt stay with it. | |
Is it fine to bunch together power wires? Hi,best is to keep them separated but if not possible arrange them in away that crosss each other. | |
35 year old drivers need replaced? Hi,why change drivers, don't you like the speakers as they are?You altered them with Mundorf caps (i am not a fun of Mundorf -:)). Assuming the rubber sourrounds of woofers are fine the only thing that may need attention is the ferrofluid in the t... | |
Recommendations for PC -- for modest system -- Hi,Furutech,Oyaide, Neotech, IEGO have nice proposition in your budget.I would go with Furutech plugs as having the most firm contact.Consider 14AWG for Marantz and 10AWG for ATI. | |
Cartridge azimuth adjustment using a voltmeter and a test lp Hi,my understnding is that cartridges with low to middle seperation figures are more affected by incorrect azimuth compared to ones with high figures. Reason behind is that a high seperation cartridge even if loosing some db of incorrect azimuth w... | |
How to clean vinyl records Hi,the best i have tried and still use is the Prelude Record Cleaning system by Walker Audio. |