Responses from petg60
Buy a $40,000 10 year old amp for $4,000 or new amp for same money? Hi,from 40k to 4k in 10 years time something is not right. | |
Dedicated Circuit Hi,agree with @lowrider57 unless you have hungry power amp one line is fine. Secret is to have your components on same phase. | |
Anyone have this turntable issue? Hi,just an idea that the optical encoder is causing the noise, and most probably needs attention, check that all its connections are firm on the sub board and then to the main board . I am not sure that optical encoders when at min mute the signal... | |
Who Has the New Top Technics SL1200GRE? Does it blow your other expensive tables away? Hi,@vinny55, no it does not, and not even better than some vintage DD.But it is good. | |
Total cost of ownership - how to reduce it Hi,generally tube gear is less sensitive to major repairs, is easier and less costly to upgrade, as long as it follows a relatively simple design/construction. You have to change tubes regularly though to have it in perfect shape. Solid state gene... | |
Top ten DD turntables of all time? Hi,i agree with enjoy_the_music but i would include to the list:Goldmund ST4Sony TTS-8000Onkyo PX-100M 1. Denon DN-308 2. Denon DP100 and Technics SP-10mk3 3. Pioneer Exlcusive P34. Nak T-1000 (when its working properly)5. Sony PSX96. Yamaha GT-2... | |
Apogee Scintilla Power Hi,Krell KMA-100, with short lengths of Siltech speaker cable was a very good result back then.Sell the Scintillas unless you have placed a bet with yourself. | |
How do you store and catalog your vinyl? Hi,i store them by genre followed by decade.I have made my own excel pivot table where i can trace anything:artist, title, genre, style, year, yer of release, comments, code, matrix, colour, weight, label, condition, country, ttl album, ttl lp, pr... | |
Older Electronics - When to cut bait? Your thoughts? Hi ,@butterman, check first what was the cause to repair your PFR and if this is common.If so replace both units (synergy) but keep in mind that a wow factor will not come cheap and not in Prima Luna league. Older units, if top notch when new, wil... | |
Increase VTF to help with skipping? Hi,as it is not only floor but subwoofer also, try to rearrange your TT with a wall mount stand. Increasing VTF or play with AS will not cure the problem, bass units may suffer also due to excessive movement. | |
How far have ss amps really come in the last twenty years? Hi,sure ss amps have evolved mainly in efficiency, transparency, having better parts and construction (new materials). Design philosophy basically the same, music presentation different. A 20 year old top amp then will still sound top today. | |
Blow dryer causes audible buzz from power amps in two audio systems... Hi,DC present in line is common and is not minimized or eliminated if you have a dedicated line for Audio and does not go away if you use different wall sockets. A nearby station may also be affected occasionally and distribute DC to your home lin... | |
Blow dryer causes audible buzz from power amps in two audio systems... Hi mtrot,DC is induced in the line, refrigerators, heating dryers (especially). Has nothing to do with new or old houses and lines. DC can be picked up even at nearby station and distributed to your house easily. Can only be cured... | |
First time mount perfect!!! Hi,never, but close 2 cartridges before last one. Check again you may missed something, cantilever, sra, weight..... | |
Audyn True Copper Max or Mundorf SGO Hi,check beforehand temperature values if your preamp is a tubed unit.Mundorf caps add some spice, Aydyn are more natural sounding.Also check and measure their tolerance if possible (eliminate surprises). |