

Responses from pmiller115

Shipping speakers from West Coast to East Coast
You don't say whether this dealer claims to be in the business of shipping things throughout the US and if the positive ratings come from people who claimed to have received shipments from this dealer. I have shipped and received things from Europ... 
One Sub or Two?
It may not make intuitive sense at all but two subs produce a lot better and a lot more control over bass. I know people always say that bass is not directional -i.e. you can't always tell where the bass is coming from but with only one sub it is ... 
Ugliest Component of the Year 2024!
With the Bose purchase we may be looking at most attractive of the product line as it develops into the future.  
Has a Power Conditioner Improved Your Sound?
I have used an Audience power conditioner for years. I have had the unit updated when updates were available, etc. I recently went through some equipment changes and ended up partially by-passing the conditioner. To my complete surprise I now pref... 
Speaker cable length.
Have you considered that running outside and presumably therefor being subjected to outside temperatures, etc. may result in the cable itself being damaged by the elements and for that reason not a good choice? Understandably you don't want the ca... 
Everyone has their own personality traits and these traits show in EVERYTHING they do and EVERYTHING they discuss. That being said, why are we discussing these traits as though you see them only as they relate to high-end, audio, equipment, equipm... 
Are cable “upgrades” just as likely to make your system sound worse?
Almost everything you do in this hobby results in a tradeoff of some sort or another. I believe this is one the reasons that relying on equipment and cable, etc. reviews and moving forward based on those reviews doesn't always produce results that... 
At what price is one considered an Audiophile.
       This question seems to come up all the time and the posted answers always seem to be pretty much the same. I think something that seems to receive very little to no support is the idea that being an audiophile has nothing to do with how muc... 
Question: What are some of your best pieces of advise to someone new to the hobby?
It's a hobby and should be fun. Being passionate about your aspirations is part of what stimulates you as a hobbiest. There is no such thing as a perfect system -the trick is learning how to determine which auditory compromise, or compromises, whi... 
How do you add color?
For a bit of tube flavor you might want to audition the Modwright analog bridge. It add a bit of melo-ness and the bridge allows for a number of tubes that can be interchanged -tube rolling really does add another whole level of insanity to this h... 
Experience with Modwright products?
I have experience with Modwright and Khristan who works at Modwright relative to two Modwright products -i.e. an Oppo 105D which was modded by Modwright and the relatively new Modwright analog bridge. In each instance my experience has been very p... 
Warm vs Revealing—the struggle for balance
There is no question that this struggle is frustrating but a couple of things you might want to consider: 1. At least you understand the struggle and the sought after solution -if there is one. 2.Given that the recording engineers that are invol... 
Costliest Brainfart
The expression s--t happens started somewhere and this could be one of those instances where it started or at least where it gained great popularity. Totally unsatisfying experiences seem, periodically, to be a part of this hobby -BUT there is alw... 
Am I broken? Am I stuck? Do I have to return my audiophile card now?
I think my reference to compromise may have been misunderstood. What I meant was not compromise in the quality or cost of the equipment we buy and listen to but rather the compromise I think most of us understand we may be making, for example, whe... 
Am I broken? Am I stuck? Do I have to return my audiophile card now?
I just went through a similar experience with home theater processors. I bought new and have been using a Lexicon MC-12 for years. I like the processor so much that I even bought a second one. I have tried to keep my system current and most recent...