Responses from pops
Interesting information from Analog Planet on Stylus Cleaner Onzow Zero Dust. +1 mrskeptic. Great moniker | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Smithereens. II | |
Is the Audio Ref-6SE worth 7K more than the BAT VK-80? @walkertm I agree with plastic remotes - they do not last. CJ makes aluminum remotes, I have two of them. As far as sonics go your ears your money! | |
McIntosh C12000 I like the look also. And. if the phono stage changes were that significant then it is worth it for vinyl heads like me. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Happy Birthday Slaw - welcome to the 63 club. Its simply awesome! | |
Thiel Owners pops How do you like the P.A.D. / StraightWire combination in your system? We have a few P.A.D. fans and owners here on the Panel. Happy Listening! Jafant they match up nicely and do much of the same thing even though the PAD's use dif... | |
Thiel Owners @jafant you are so right! I suspect you feel the same way about cables as I do! | |
Thiel Owners pops - that’s one long list of cables! Can you tell me how SW Maestro II sits in SWs line compared to the Octave II? I don’t see the Maestro on their line-up. Also, do you have thoughts to share regarding interconnects? Thanks, Tom Sure Tom -... | |
MIT Oracle V4 Speaker Cables Help Correction I had MIT v3 | |
Thiel Owners I have tried many speaker cables with both my 3.6 and CS6 and always seem to come back to Straightwire Maestro II. I do not believe you need a cost no object cable for Thiels unless you have similar equipment. I have tried several $$ speaker c... | |
MIT Oracle V4 Speaker Cables Help I can't remember the list price but I did not pay anywhere near list. I think I bought them after they had been discontinued. MIT was moving at a very fast pace with innovation back then. | |
MIT Oracle V4 Speaker Cables Help I had these cables a few years ago, I think 3K is a little pricy in todays market. They were excellent while I used them. | |
Whats on your turntable tonight? Nice Slaw, how is it? I love her other endeavors! | |
Who Tried Power Conditioners Over The Years and No Longer Use Them Today, Any Why? I'm unaware of any solid evidence that power conditioners improve sound in a normal home electric setup. Esse est percipi. My Ears are my evidence in my system. YMMV. | |
Preamp thoughts- Conrad Johnson ET7 S2 V McIntosh C2600 rooze that Emotive Epifania looks lucious! I'm still using a CJ ET5 myself with a Seimans NOS - always been a big fan of CJ preamps. It mates well with my Allnic H3000 phono stage and Thiel speakers. My short list now includes the Emotive an... |