
Responses from pops

Interesting information from Analog Planet on Stylus Cleaner Onzow Zero Dust.
+1 mrskeptic. Great moniker   
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Smithereens. II  
Is the Audio Ref-6SE worth 7K more than the BAT VK-80?
@walkertm I agree with plastic remotes - they do not last.  CJ makes aluminum remotes, I have two of them. As far as sonics go your ears your money!  
McIntosh C12000
I like the look also.  And. if the phono stage changes were that significant then it is worth it for vinyl heads like me.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Happy Birthday Slaw - welcome to the 63 club.  Its simply awesome!  
Thiel Owners
pops   How do you like the P.A.D. / StraightWire combination in your system? We have a few P.A.D. fans and owners here on the Panel.   Happy Listening! Jafant they match up nicely and do much of the same thing even though the PAD's use dif... 
Thiel Owners
@jafant you are so right!  I suspect you feel the same way about cables as I do!  
Thiel Owners
pops - that’s one long list of cables! Can you tell me how SW Maestro II sits in SWs line compared to the Octave II? I don’t see the Maestro on their line-up. Also, do you have thoughts to share regarding interconnects? Thanks, Tom Sure Tom -... 
MIT Oracle V4 Speaker Cables Help
Correction I had MIT v3  
Thiel Owners
I have tried many speaker cables with both my 3.6 and CS6 and always seem to come back to Straightwire Maestro II.  I do not believe you need a cost no object cable for Thiels unless you have similar equipment.  I have tried several $$ speaker  c... 
MIT Oracle V4 Speaker Cables Help
I can't remember the list price but I did not pay anywhere near list.  I think I bought them after they had been discontinued.  MIT was moving at a very fast pace with innovation back then.  
MIT Oracle V4 Speaker Cables Help
I had these cables a few years ago, I think 3K is a little pricy in todays market.  They were excellent while I used them.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Nice Slaw, how is it?  I love her other endeavors!  
Who Tried Power Conditioners Over The Years and No Longer Use Them Today, Any Why?
I'm unaware of any solid evidence that power conditioners improve sound in a normal home electric setup. Esse est percipi.  My Ears are my evidence in my system.   YMMV.  
Preamp thoughts- Conrad Johnson ET7 S2 V McIntosh C2600
rooze that Emotive Epifania looks lucious!   I'm still using a CJ ET5 myself with a Seimans NOS - always been a big fan of CJ preamps.   It mates well with my Allnic H3000 phono stage and Thiel speakers. My short list now includes the Emotive an...