Responses from pratorious
Can you shoot me 2 VINYL albums that cost Henry Mancini - The Pink Panther (RCA Victor LPM-2795)Nat King Cole - After Midnight (Capitol W782) | |
I'm still mystified... It is a pet peeve of mine as well. I am not going to negotiate. I use buy it now button or offer the asking price. If the price is fair I pay it. If the seller asks to pay their fee I skip the ad. | |
Anyone have a Little Fwend tonearm lifter? I used the Q UP and found its light plastic construction moved it out of adjustment after time. Also its spring loaded mechanism reacts rather violently. I wanted something more elegant so I moved on to the Expressimo | |
Budget integrated with phono preamp I would look for a used older model PS Audio Sprout. | |
The Best Apple AirPlay Streamer I use an Airport Express for my main system (three pairs of wired speakers in Kitchen, Dining and Living rooms), another Express for my guest room and one in my masterbath. I also use one or two other designated airplay speakers on occasion.I was ... | |
Your last concert was to see who and when? Wooden Shjips 6/8 @ Slims in San Francisco. Groovy. | |
Tube tech-hobbyist In San Francisco or Northern San Mateo sought I use R&B Electrinics in Redwood City ever since L&N closed but I see hobbyists advertise on Craigslist all the time. R&B will charge half the price of your unit to check it out (though it’s applied to repair). And they have been very ... | |
Power amp for Mac 4100 I don't expect you will get much support for this idea on this forum but since I used my MAC4300v in the same way (what?!? No dedicated listening room?) for at least a decade I will give you my opinions and experience.Nothing works as well as the ... | |
LA Rock station casualty In Los Angeles tune into 88.5 KCSN. They have an app if you are outside the area. | |
My jazz collection told me to get a *real* system Jazztherapist-I live in SF and I think it would be worth your time to visit this brick & mortar in Noe Valley. Just tell the owner, Tim, exactly what you said here. He is a good resource for matching components and q... | |
power for mc452 and c2600 5. What are you using and what is your experience with it? I use a Furman Elite-20 PFI at the top of my rack I and find it an essential part of my system. I have far too many components to not have the convenience of switched and unswitched power... | |
Need suggestions for streaming files to my stereo Utilize Apple airplay with Apple Airport Express $99 (connect to preamp) and Apple Remote app free (iPhone). Control your cumputers iTunes from iPhone with app and select your airplay speaker(s), in this case your airport express. (Your iPhone can... | |
What's been your turntable ownership over the years? BSR McDonaldTechnics SL-B2/stockMusic Hall MMF2.1/stockThorens TD 240-2/stockThorens TD 160 Super (VN refurbish)/SME M2-9R/Clearaudio Maestro V2 | |
Thorens TD-125 mkii - a significant improvement over the TD-160? Hmmm... I never replaced an arm myself though I know many people do often. If you trust the TD-125 with SME arm is in as good condition as your current turntable, and the price is right, then that could be a simpler move. I just prefer the TD-160 ... | |
Thorens TD-125 mkii - a significant improvement over the TD-160? I have owned the TD-125 with SME M2-9 arm and Clearaudio Maestro. I currently use a TD-160 with an M2-9R and Clearaudio Maestro. I believe you will be rewarded with the greatest result in sound quality by upgrading your arm on the TD-160. Cartridg... |