Responses from psychicanimal
How do you clean your type of stylus? Aceto, ultrapure water is purer than RO water. RO water can go down to 5-15 uSiemens in conductivity, whereas ultrapure water is usually below 0.08 uSiemens and less than 0.35 ppb sodium and 5 ppb Silica. At such purity levels it acts like a solvent. | |
Audience Au24 vs. Ridge Street Audio? I didn't know Deano could be so *eloquent*... | |
How do you clean your type of stylus? I use ultrapure water. | |
Unexpected tweak That's quite an impressive answer, coming especially from someone who listens to a lowly direct drive TT... | |
Low watt system for rock,electronica? David, I have stereo subs driven by some mean 150W Kenwood monoblocks. It's not a low watt system by any standard.Aow watt system is like the one Lak has, with two little 5W SET monoblocks driving a pair of Cain & Cain Abbys. The sound is real... | |
Low watt system for rock,electronica? If you believe in Santa Claus... | |
Need some Suggestions on Best Digital Cable Here's from my preliminary impressions on the new VenHaus Pulsar I was sent for evaluation:Got my Pulsar digital cable after Sean cooked it for 30 days on two separate cookers, with one week alternating cycles. One cooker was mimicking an analog s... | |
Need some Suggestions on Best Digital Cable Oh no, another "What's the best" question!!! | |
Soundproofing Hi-Rise Apt? | |
Best power/digital cords for C E C transports. Hifi, I'm glad you got the Flavor 4. It will be a great match. I have been using the VenHaus Pulsar digital cable for the past ten days (Sean cooked it for 30 days) and I am surprised at what it can do. It is an unbelievably quiet and pretty neutr... | |
Review: Michael Wolff power cords Carbon Gain Power cord Where am I on the audition list? | |
Whats better then PS Audio P300? ? ? ? ? Crazyblues, regenerators can sound harsh... | |
balanced is inherently flawed Ralph Atmasphere, so my friend Dejan Veselinovic does have a point: under most circumstances single ended system with ground filtration will sound better. Doing a properly balanced setup takes some real $$$. | |
Best power/digital cords for C E C transports. Uncle Bob is here! So, it could be a case of reversed polarity...Danny Boy didn't mention anything on my unit.Crespo, the mod is more than a level 1 but less than a level 2, depending on what options you want. I had the Furutech IEC installed, plu... | |
Should power cords have filters on them? |