Responses from ral
What Chopin solo piano cds are the best? There are some recordings that simply sound more like a real piano (on most systems), and there are some recordings that capture great performances of Chopin. I suspect that most of us on this site would like a combination of both, but even then t... | |
Wadia : what amp / preamp ? I run my Wadia 850 into a Pass Labs X1 (solid state) preamp. This preamp is very transparent, and adds no euphonic coloration either yin or yang. IMO it gives body and dynamics to the music that I don't get when running directly into an amp. In my... | |
Belles150 vs Aragon8002 You also might want to consider the new Belles 350A amp (actually 250W/ch). It offers more transparency and dynamics without loosing the tube-like palpability of the 150A amp. It's not just a power thing; the 350A really sounds like a different (b... | |
Wadia 27/270 vs. dCS Delius+Purcell Hbrandt: That's an interesting comment about liking 176K over 192K on dCS gear. Could you give more detail about what you hear on your system between these two sampling rates? Especially in the context of classical music. Thanks. | |
Power Cord Review You should include TG Audio by Bob Crump in Houston.In the cable-circle discussions his cords are well-regarded. | |
Power Cord Review You should include TG Audio by Bob Crump in Houston.In the cable-circle discussions his cords are well-regarded. | |
Would Maggies 1.6 Benefit with Biamping? I don't think you can do true biamping with the MG1.6 (i.e. using external active crossover). That's because the bass panel cannot be accessed independently (driven by separate amp) from the quasi-ribbon tweeter, unless you do some modification to... | |
Wadia 27/270 vs. dCS Delius+Purcell You might want to read the Aug. 2000 HiFi News article (pg.32) which compares the Wadia 860x to the dCS Purcell/Delius combo. (Perhaps a 27ix/270 for the Wadia would have been a better choice.) Looks like it may come down to which "flavor" of CD r... | |
Sim W5 vs. Aragon 8008BB In my opinion, Sim and Aragon are a little on the "dark" side in the midrange, but have great bass control. The Marsh tends to be on the "brighter" side in mids, and is nicely neutral in bass. All 3 can be a bit bright in the treble, depending on ... | |
Why are EMC-1 s being dumped on market? Possibly the new version of the EMC1 has something to do with it (due out "this Spring", but not available widely in U.S. now). The new version will supposedly upsample to 24/192, and have some other improvements (e.g. power supply), but cost almo... | |
BIAMPING There are some speakers which actually sound better if you use an active xover to externally separate the bass from the mid/hi (prior to the amps), then let the speaker's internal passivexover split the mid and hi's within the remaining signal. E.... | |
BIAMPING In my last post, I should have said that the use of 2 stereo amps with an active crossover gives "horizontal" biamping.Anyway, there is a detailed disussion of this type ofbiamping at www.sound.au.com/bi-amp.htm | |
BIAMPING Sfrounds: Njonker has raised the most important question foryou to answer. Are your speakers truely biamp-capable tobegin with? Check with the dealer/manufacturer. The speaker inputs MUST allow you to connect to (typically) thewoofer independently... | |
Bi-Amping - Good active crossover? Help I agree with the Marchand XM9 recommendation. I own this xover, and like its flexibility of adjustments. You can also change the xover freq. by easily swapping different "cards" yourself. Sonically it is very neutral. Be sure to order the deluxe v... | |
Are you Guys Rich or What!? The views of onhwy61, joe_b, and sgmlaw indeed reflect the wisdom derived from long experience in this hobby. One CAN put together a very enjoyable, "musical" audio system these days for only a few thousand dollars. In fact, it's easier than ever ... |