Responses from rauliruegas
Benz Ruby 2 vs Ruby 3 Dear Carlos: The AN IO cartridges, including the Kondo ones, were build by AN, I don't know if today those cartridges are build from other source like the Lyras and some other cartridges.I don't know too which AN tonearm are you talking about but ... | |
Benz Ruby 2 vs Ruby 3 Dear Gary: Your analog set-up ( Helius&AN tonearms ) can handle almost every cartridge.I like the Ruby2 and I like it with Classical and Jazz music but with your electronics the Ruby3 will be a little better.Now, I insist in that the Genesis16... | |
Help ...... excesssssssive sssssssssssssssssssss Dear Socoaste: Shadorne is right on target: speaker/amplifier synergy, there is a severe mismatch between them because each other impedances.If you like your speakers then you have to change the amplifier or the speakers if you like the amp.It is ... | |
Benz Ruby 2 vs Ruby 3 Dear Glory: The Genesis advice about the Audio Note cartridges is a very good one. These cartridges are top performers and better than the people think.Btw, the Audio Note tonearms are great too.Now, about your question: the Ruby 2 and Ruby 3 are ... | |
Analog vs. CDP: A fair comparison? Dear Pawlowski6132 : I think that Kurt_tank put everything in perspective and I agree with him.Now, you are using headphones instead of normal loudspeakers and I don't have a lot of experiences about but I can't imagine how confortable is to take-... | |
Dilemma of Warped LPs - is seller liable? Dear Springbok10: If those LPs are a hard to find then keep it and try to disppear those warps. You can do this putting the LP between two plate glass and be warm through a heater ot through the sun.Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
Decca Jubilee / Dynavector XV-1s / ZYX / Allaerts Dear Jon: The Ortofon 7500 is a top contender, it don't have the immediate/alive sound reproduction of the Decca or Ikeda cartridges but is very well balanced top to bottom, good in the low bass and very transparent in the highs. It is a very low ... | |
12" Tonearm What Have You Heard & Recommend? Dear John: I only say that the unipivots are not the best match, I'm not saying: ยก Don't use it ! and I'm saying that the Ikeda is a better choice along with the Mechanic.I don't think that this position is a " blindly " one, it is?Regards and enj... | |
12" Tonearm What Have You Heard & Recommend? Dear John: A Decca or Ikeda cartridge ask a tremendous effort to any tonearm and I know for sure that an unipivot ( like the VPI ) is not the best match for those cartridges,. My opinion is that a tonearm like the Ikeda is really a better one wher... | |
12" Tonearm What Have You Heard & Recommend? Dear Thomas: Yes,rigity is a plus with that cartridge. I like the " look " of the DaVinci but I only have a brief contact with it.But, like you say: fun counts.Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
cartridge upgrade for a Pro-Ject Expression II Dear Sesto: This is a very good choice:http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?anlgcart&1157569613Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
12" Tonearm What Have You Heard & Recommend? Dear Thomas: I don't agree with you about the Davinci tonearm but this does not matter what really matter is that the Ikeda tonearm is a great match for the Decca cartridge that Jomoinc has in his mind. Can you asure that the Davinci is a better m... | |
Tonearm for XX2 Dear Kevin: I agree with Flyingred: set-up of the right VTA/VTF and load impedance are very important to obtain the best of the XX-2 sound.Now, he has a very good performance in a tonearm that is similar to what you have, this fact could tell us t... | |
12" Tonearm What Have You Heard & Recommend? Dear Genesis168: The Ikeda tonearm is an evolution over the FR-66, you have to try it.Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
Phono cable/grounding/loading questions Dear Dave: I agree that the cartridge is not a balanced item but it is not single ended either, the cartridge is a signal generator: that's all.The point on the subject reside on the phono cable to take advantage of the balanced input in a true ba... |