
Responses from rauliruegas

Jan Allaerts Cartridge Experience?
Dear Ebarker2: +++++ " I'm having a hard time waiting, and I pester Jan far too often. " +++++Yes, this is part of the " price " that we have to pay for that kind of quality. You will be extremely satisfied: be patience!!!Regards and enjoy the mus... 
MC transformers - what do they sound like?
Dear Clio09: +++++ " Both these designers make outstanding phono stages and I'm sure they would never recommend something that is proven to compromise the sound of their designs. " +++++These gentleman, like many others, make their designs with a ... 
MC transformers - what do they sound like?
Dear Gregad: +++++ " This means that we need a preamp with about 60-80db gain in the phono stage.Agree Y/N?Optimally we also need about 80-100db S/N ratio(unweighted). AgreeY/N? " +++++I think that you forgot to the most important characteristic i... 
MC transformers - what do they sound like?
Dear Gregm: +++++ " . But let's face it: as Gregadd seems to imply, a good tranny, while expensive, is nowhere near the cost and rarerity of an outstanding fully active 80-100db riaa. " +++++Well, a Manley Steelhead or a Lamm one are not inexpensi... 
MC transformers - what do they sound like?
Dear Shane: I forgot. About that guy on TNT I can tell you ( with all respect )that he has many misconceptions about SUTs and high gain phonopreamps, I almost can tell you that he does not has experience on HG PP designs. The Accuphase that he nam... 
MC transformers - what do they sound like?
Dear Shane: I have a great respect for Tim De Paravancini and for their products but here the issue is not on the name of the designer or the design it self ( SS or tubes ): the issue is that any ( good design ) high gain phonopreamp that use SUTs... 
MC transformers - what do they sound like?
Dear Gregad: I almost agree with all your statements but: 80-100 db S/N ratio ( unweighted ), there is no posibility to achieve this spec on and MC high gain phonopreamp.Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. 
MC transformers - what do they sound like?
Dear Doug: You are welcome!!The other two alternatives ( best ones ) that they have are:- HO MC and- MM cartridges.Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. 
MC transformers - what do they sound like?
Dear Onhwy61: First my opinion is not a mere " my opinion ", there are facts objective facts about. Of course that I accept that people may disagree with me, no problem about.But this SUT case is really critical for only " accept " opinions with o... 
Shelter and Triplanar matching ?
Dear Doug: Maybe I miss something.+++++ " For me, this A/B/C comparison settled any argument about HO vs. LO MC's. " +++++What do you mean with that statement? in reference to what?. Please explain about.Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. 
MC transformers - what do they sound like?
Dear Gregadd: Well that is yout point of view and I respect it.I never speak about " lazy " but now that you are mentioned maybe some of them were lazy. I speak about " they don't care about music and quality sound reproduction ".If you like the S... 
AC vs DC motor?
Dear Rwd: The ACvsDC is not the issue, because both are good ones it depends what the TT designer looks for.The name of the game here is " power supply design and execution to that PS design ". The motor well " is a motor " if you give it what is ... 
MC transformers - what do they sound like?
Dear friends: Here are some facts about why exist the SUTs for LO cartridges ( at least is my point of view ):- In the fifthies appear the MC LO cartridges ( As a fact: Ortofon invented in 1948. ). In that time all the phonopreamps were designed f... 
Verdier with or without the steel ball
Dear AndrĂ©: My experience about was with Micro Seiki TT: I owned an air bearing model and now I own a non-air bearingone.Are there any differences?, yes there are and specific on bass the non-airbearing has a tight bass that the air bearing one, t... 
stylus cleaning
Dear Rocketiii: The Jependleton is a good advice.Btw, who/where told you about your Audio Technica cleaner?Regards and enjoy the music.Raul.