Responses from rauliruegas
best turntable under $5k Dear Pedrillo: Acoustic Signature is a very good way to go on TT. Final Tool or Mambo models are great.Go to their web site: www.acoustic-signature.comThe bearing design and its external power supply design are a tour du force.You can mate this TT... | |
Impedance and Bi-Amping Dear Bojack: The best way to know the impedance curve of your speakers is to ask to the manufacturers.Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
upgrading speaker crossovers & tuning Dear Fishboat: I agree almost with Jeff.Where you can hear an improvement is when you change the inductors and capacitors ( less with the resistors, but you can try. ).The Alphacore inductores are the best that I know, I'm using the silver wire ve... | |
Solid state or tube what to do?? Dear randell: I yest wondering. Don't worry. Nice to know that you are really on the music like singer and guitarist: great!!!+++++ " I will listen to some blues bands here in the city I live in " +++++Where is this?Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
Solid state or tube what to do?? Dear Randy: How many hours of live music usually do you hear each month? and which kind of?Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
Speaker upgrade Dear Bryanhod: One word: GREAT!!!!!Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
Subwoofer Crossover Replacement for Wilson WHOW? Dear John: +++++ " At this stage, I don't want to take on the task of finding a subwoofer with drivers that go with the Watt/Puppy. " +++++With " closed eyes " almost any good subwoofer ( like Velodyne, Talon, REL, etc ) will do marvelous with you... | |
Speaker upgrade Dear Bryanhod: My advice is that instead to put big money on those " stand alone " near full range speakers, go for a pair of good monitors plus subwoofers ( for a lot less money and better quality sound reproduction performance ).You have many al... | |
Sonus faber Cremona Auditor and Jeff Rowland?? Dear Brain74: About the best placement of your Auditor my advise is that you ask directly to Sumiko people, they can help you.Now, you feel that have a bass booming sound, other than room placement, please analyse as follows: the Auditor is a medi... | |
Subwoofer Crossover Replacement for Wilson WHOW? Dear John: +++++ " I'm looking for an excellent subwoofer... " +++++This is on your post.Well, all those amps that are on your list are " general purpose " amps ( very good ones ). No one were designed specific for " low bass " operation " only ".... | |
VPI Aries 2 , SME IV and Benz Micro Ruby 2 . Dear Gfloyd: With that tonearm the Celebration is very hard to beat.The Ruby 2 is a very good sounding cartridge but in the SME IV the Celebration in my opinion is a better choice. The 901 has nothing to do against the Celebration.Why don't you re... | |
Velodyne Digital Drive Series subwoofer in stereo Dear Truthseeker: +++++ " . If you play a 30, 40, 50hz pure tone thru a low distortion sub (<10%THD), YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TELL WHERE IT IS COMING FROM " +++++I agree with you on those frecuencies.Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
Solid state or tube what to do?? Dear Randelldoyle: Your Quad speakers are not very efficient one: 88db, and their nomonal impedance is 6 Ohms ( but they go as down 3 Ohms ).These speakers characteristics tell to any one that it will best matched with SS electronics.You can choos... | |
Bang for buck turntable? Dear Dnewhous: I can do it.Regrads and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
Do you think you need a subwoofer? Dear Scottshannon: Very interesting post.+++++ " .Keep the xover lower than 80hz if using floor speakers that have bass below 50hz. I prefer 55-60 at the top of the range. " +++++My floor speakers are flat down to 20Hz. I'm crossing around 80Hz an... |