Responses from rauliruegas
morch tonearm question....... Kaput: I agree with Jim. The Dp 6 runs exellent with out damping. It's an exellent, too, tonearm and is in the same league that others tonearms like Graham or Triplanar. This tonearm has a very good design ( japanese Highphonic design ) and very g... | |
Transformer stepup size Dear Divo: I think that you are like many people ( like me ) that always are trying to find the best analog sound reproduction quality. The most important issue about a stepup-transformers is not the size of it or the quality sound of it, for the ... | |
Color-code of connectors on different cartridges. Vvrinc: " Why cartridges have different positions of the color .....? ". Well, one of the answers is because those cartridges have different internal construction, other one is because some manufacturers want that the wires will be crossing betwee... | |
Out of production reference turntables Dear Bob: The experience that you are sharing with all us ( Tks ) is true only and only if you hear both turntables with the same audio system, in the same room and with the same tonearm/cartridge combo. Other way it's only a irresponsible " fun "... | |
Out of production reference turntables Dear DH: If the VPI TNT has a " signature sound " then: shame of VPI TNT and this is for any reference TT ( Yes, I agree with Bob: the Oracle is not a RTT ). If you " have a signature sound " for a RTT then something is wrong: maybe the rack, tabl... | |
goldmund reference . which would be the best arm Dear Tangram: The question is not: wich is the best suitable tonearm for the TT. The question will be: wich is the tonearm that do a match with your phono cartridge. This combo ( tonearm/cartridge ) has priority over TT/tonearm combo, and I'm not ... | |
Cartridge Recommendation Hi Bobobozo: Why " and forget the moving coil..."Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
Audiocraft AC400/4400.....need help Hi: Other solution is: find a low weight headshell.Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
Audiocraft AC400/4400.....need help Dear Carl: You can go to: www.audiolimits.com or towww.walrus.co.uk, these two are Audiocraft dealers and maybe you can buy there a counterweight that match your cartridge or a new arm wand that match your cartridge/counterweight. I own the AC 440... | |
Channel Imbalance Hi Divo: I would like to know if you already fixed your imbalance problem.Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
Sound of Morch DP-6 Dear Tubey: First, that "steroetipicl bright silver wire sound" is a missunderstood, when this happen is beacuse the cable has a bad design or it is the inherent qualitysound of any of the severals stages in the audio chain system. It is not for t... | |
Graham and Shelter matching - and other arms/carts Patrick: About the Acoustic Solid: try 3 Tri-Orbs heavyisolation foot from Van Slyke Engineering www.vsengr.comit works splendid. Try the mat from SAEC ss-300, last time I see it in e-bay ( turntables ). This two mods are better than the mods list... | |
Graham and Shelter matching - and other arms/carts Dear Patrick: I have two of your turntable ( there are some Tweaks to do it ) and I own your Ortofon tonearm. Can I have the operation manual of the RS 212 from you ?.Please let me know about it.Regards and enjoy the music.Raul. | |
Cartridge "demagging" Dear Doug: I can remember that I try the Fluxbuster on my Astrion and I don't hear any changes.You can try in your XLM and " see " what happen. I have no experience with the Cardas record and I don't know if it is for MC and MM cartridges. I tell ... | |
Channel Imbalance Hi Divo: You have to check every single parameter in thetonearm/cartridge operation : Azimuth, VTA/SRA, VTF and antiskating, sometimes the sum (+) of little deviation from all these adjustement comes with a problem like you have, be sure the stylu... |