Responses from rebbi
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Zkzpb8,Wow, that's so cool! | |
Totem Arros and 40 watts. Hmmmm.....The Arros will go astonishingly deep for their size but I think they need a pretty robust, high current amp to do it. Of course, room acoustics will be a huge factor, too. | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Golly, it's awfully close. The mounting flange is different, and it appears bolted on with a greater number of screws (the MW can secures with 4 bolts) but still... the mesh cover and form factor look quite close. Hmmmm..... | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Here's something interesting for you guys:I sent the following email to Jim Smith, the author of the book (which I recently bought and highly recommend) called Getting Better Sound. I asked: I have a question for you.My heart kind of sank when I... | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Mapman,Very interesting, that Potis piece. Thanks. Makes me think that even the 100's will shine further with more robust amplification, although, as I've said, they seem to sing nicely with the 80 watt Unico. | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Everybody,Well, although I'm not yet in a position to really offer a detailed impression of the 100s, I can definitely say that they sound great and that I'm enjoying the process of getting them set up. I'm finding that although they are not, "har... | |
Office System -- Low Volume Speakers Rbstehno,What Hitman_hifi said. With all due respect, I was driving my Arros with a Unison Unico hybrid integrated, with a Music Hall CD 25.2 for digital and a SOTA Sapphire for analog, etc., etc., and yes, they sounded pretty bright out of the bo... | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Well, here we go! The first installment of a shoot-out, if you will, between the Ohm Micro Walsh Tall and the Ohm 100 S3 (Series 3) speakers. This first installment will focus largely upon physical differences.The 100's shipped in two very large b... | |
Speakers for a 4m wide by 9 m high approx room I'd second Dhwhitt's Totem Arro recommendation. They're going on audiogon for nearly half off retail, and at only 5" wide and 7" deep, they'll actually take up less floor space than many monitor-stand combinations! | |
The Room, not us, determines our speaker choices I recently picked up Jim Smith's "Get Better Sound" book, and he essentially says that the listening room is the most important "component" in the system. | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Speakers (100s) arrived today but got shipped to my office instead of my home as I'd asked. After hours again, just like happened with the Micro's, except fortunately this time there happened to be someone around to sign for them so they're not ju... | |
The best "imaging" speakers? Martykl, Narrow baffle floorstanders with extreme cabinetry can also mimic this effect. Perfect description of the Totem Arros, I think. | |
Vandersteen 2/3 vs. 3A MM de Capo vs. GMA Europa Sapek,You're welcome! Also, I started a monster thread here called "Ohm Micro Walsh Talls: Who's Actually Heard 'Em?" that contains a ton of useful info on the Ohm line and speakers in general. | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Yeah, I'm living proof! ;-) | |
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em? Barry,You planning to upgrade them to the latest drivers? |