What 50wpc or higher amps have a totally different sound from Pass Labs, in a good way? | erik_squires | 5137 | 46 | |
Are your current amps and other gear the best you've ever had? | danvignau | 5683 | 74 | |
“Black background” — What really contributes to this phenomenon? | bigkidz | 5480 | 51 | |
Terry Riley - Shri Camel — Can someone listen to this on good headphones and report back? | | 751 | 0 | |
What tests would you like all speaker reviewers to do for their reviews? | steve59 | 2558 | 41 | |
Tube preamp (EAR 868) plays music for 10 seconds after being powered off... Why? | redwoodaudio | 1204 | 2 | |
Unfair Competition: Orchard Audio Bosc Monoblocks vs. Pass Labs XA30.8 | orchardaudio | 7777 | 26 | |
Omega Alnico XRS vs. Fritz Carrera vs. Harbeth 30.2 Speaker Shootout | redwoodaudio | 5740 | 20 | |
Are there speakers with cloth/soft enclosures instead of wood? | frazeur1 | 3131 | 25 | |
A vote for amber LED lights on components over blue lights. | rodman99999 | 2424 | 34 | |
Looking for powered bookshelf/monitor speakers $1000 or less, used is ok. Any recs? | b_limo | 1237 | 11 | |
"New device puts music in your head — no headphones required" | djones51 | 1134 | 6 | |
The secret to a great amplifier... | audio2design | 12539 | 140 | |
Subwoofers down-firing or side-firing? Why? | rocray | 4331 | 21 | |
Your most indispensable "tweak"? | bjesien | 14481 | 109 | |