

Responses from reimarc

Streamer creates a Wow experience
I am following this thread with great interest, as I feel finally ready to take the streaming plunge. I already subscribed to Qobuz , Tidal and HDTracks, but am still on the fence about which streamer to buy. My music files are organized on my Mac... 
Too many choices for R2R DACS--opinions appreciated
I got a MSB DAC (Platinum Signature) from my wife for Christmas: never looked back! Smooth and yet well delineated sound, deep sound stage, great and focused bass, and zero sibilance. The music comes through, and I forget about any gear. Isn't tha... 
Supratek Owners Thread
Pictures, please!  Mick just agreed to have mine painted in Pearl-White to match my speakers: these things should be in a design museum somewhere one day.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Bill Evans Trio :"Sunday at the Village Vanguard", DMM Cutting    
DAC Merry Go 'Round- why I stopped at Weiss
Thanks for the illuminating DAC comparison. I recently settled for a MSB Platinum Signature and am as happy as a clam. I also visited the factory in Watsonville CA, which is about an hour drive from my home: this was truly the experience of a life... 
Amir and Blind Testing
Amir and others on this thread are absolutely right: A/B comparisons are notoriously flawed by expectation bias; that's just how our brains work. In my profession (drug discovery) we therefore use "double-blind" evaluations, where the experimenter... 
Atma-Sphere vs. Supratek
Thanks again for all you enlightening comments: this is a great community. Just to let you know: I revised my order and asked Mick Maloney to build me one of his new Grange preamps with the option to switch between 6NS7 AND DHT circuits, which wil... 
Atma-Sphere vs. Supratek
Many thanks for all your comments, which were very enlightening indeed. I too had a shiver running down my spine when I saw the innards of the Cortese for the first time. But the many enthusiastic comments about the sound of these creations by "Su... 
Best cost no object tube phono
Hello there: I came across this thread this morning, after a sleepless night fussing about the "new" Pass Labs XP-25 I installed yesterday into my system. I hope this thread is still alive. My question concerns the XP-25 phono stage, and what I am...