
Responses from rhg3

All in One Solution for Streaming
Another vote for the Hifi Rose RS520. Check the reviews. You should be able to try one out with little risk to you, allow for a few days break in. I’ve got their 150b and really like it, very impressed with SQ.  
Audio Research Pre-Amp advice
Given your criteria, you should consider the latest non REF ARC line stage at $6k or less. I recommend setting up some alerts using hifi shark and be ready to act quickly when you get a hit.  
Audio Research Pre-Amp advice
LS 28SE, assuming you are looking for a line stage (no phono). Hope this helps.  
Shunyata Speaker Cables Sigma v.1 vs Alpha v.2
Check the cable company lending library.   
Should Amps be plugged into a power conditioner?
If you’re using a power conditioner for your amp, try plugging directly into the wall and see if you notice a difference in SQ. I did.  
Stylus stuck in groove.
@rvpiano I've occasionally come across a record that skips. Each time it was a damaged record (scratch). Can you see the troubled area under a magnifying glass? It might not be dirt.  
Are You a Swifty?
I’m a huge fan. What she has accomplished is admirable on many levels. Her economic impact is staggering and was even noted in a Federal Reserve report (Beige book). Her tour will yield approximately $1 Billion in revenue. Ms. Swift is even increa... 
A Second Tonearm on an SME Model 10
Nice work! Which cartridges are paired to the 4 arms? And how do you decide which one to use?   
Update my Tonearm
Can you tell if the hum is electrical or physical (vibration)? What exactly Are you touching on the turntable to make the hum go away?  
Amp — Leave on or turn off
SS Always on. Tubes off. I don’t mind waiting for them to warm up.  
One DAC to Rule it All
@koestner I agree that only you will be able to tell if you prefer the sound of the DBX (as a DAC) or your OKTO. I’d try it without the OKTO and perhaps live with that for a few weeks or months. As I recall, @mijostyn has posted about this in th... 
Does anyone own CD of Oreobambo - Spinning Around Our Star
   @sparksgja Thank you!  
New Phono Cart with Character Needed
Flat, clinical and dry could be a tonearm/cartridge setup issue such as VTA, alignment, etc.  I’m partial to SoundSmith cartridges, although in my experience, they tend to be neutral and very accurate. If you’re looking for a cartridge that adds ... 
Vinyl is back for good and that’s exciting
It appears that only half of the people who buy records actually own a turntable.   
Goodbye Everyone
Merry Christmas, @elliottbnewcombjr, keep going!