
Responses from ricevs

New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones)
I appreciate the last video posted because it showed the insides of the speaker......great cabinet and damping for the money......but the xover, and wires and push on connectors and input connectors are just ordinary Chinese good parts. Wait till ... 
The revolution has begun!
Yes, I know about the Exogal......very esoteric, and you have to use it with its own pre/DAC and the cost is high and the power is not great......and you cannot do room correction, bi amp, eq and do whatever.  You have to realize that the inexpens... 
The revolution has begun!
bigtwin,  You don't understand.  How many times do I have to state this:  This is not a normal Class D amp like the Orchard in the review you posted.  The reviewer has never heard this "digital" amp so he has no reference to this amp nor do you. ... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
The module was measured at different impedances: 16 ohm......up .15 db at 20K 8 ohm ......flat at 20K 4 ohm........minus 1 db at 20K  (quarter db down at 10K) 2 ohm.......minus 2 db at 20K.  (half db down at 10K) However, the only thing that ... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
On one hand the "measurements are everything" people (Kuribo, ASR people) say that all amps sound the same......so don't listen to them.  On the other hand they love low distortion measurements.....so they say buy the ones with best measurements (... 
The revolution has begun!
I would love to know what xover, digital amps, power supplies and speaker drivers you use......this is very rare. I had a friend a long time ago that used the Panasonic receivers that had digital amps in them in a multi-amp system.......yes, corre... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
It probably is much better than stock......and you do incredible soldering and work.....looks better than my stuff.  Very professional.  
The revolution has begun!
OK, of course there are transistors in the processor that does the PCM to PWM conversion along with the buffers afterwards and the GaN fets......but before that there are NO ANALOG stages with tubes or transistors......as in your DAC, Preamp and a... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
BTW, the GaN 1 digital board measures almost the same frequency response as the board in the GaN 400 (analog input board). It is one db down at 20K using a 4 ohm load. This will give less than one quarter db attenuation at 10K......no one can hear... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
How do you do the @ thang..?.....you know with their name afterwords mbolek, The dirt cheap iluminati cable was one of the better digital cables 25 years ago.  I cannot imagine that it sounds anywhere near as good as a serious cable today.  We h... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
mbolek, You are the only person in the world who has modded the GaN 1......I think you hinted at changing the coax wire inside......please try this, it should make a big difference.....and eliminate the connectors on the wire, if you can....hardwi... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
What is so funny is that any load dependency really does not mean anything to anyone except those who look at numbers. If an amp is 1 db down at 20K with a 4 ohm load (so that means your tweeter has a 4 ohm load).....then your speaker will be down... 
The revolution has begun!
Some people come here to share their joy, others come here to make people and things wrong. The anti tweak objectivists (flat earthers) are just best left alone. They will never stop saying the same thing over and over. They want to fight and argu... 
The revolution has begun!
asvjerry, so if you fill the page with post after post of nonesense it will make the thread irrelevant? Or do you have some other motivation for these posts? I just watched a woman describing her Near Death Experience......she said she went into ... 
The revolution has begun!
This is an excited enthusiast sharing with the world the great new audio frontier.  Cheaper and better.....something to be excited about.  Have you ever been super excited about something and you knew it would serve everyone?.......Wouldn't you sh...