
Responses from richlane

XA9000ES or Better Quality for a Streaming
Who are you taking to? 
XA9000ES or Better Quality for a Streaming
Hi Patrick, The Benchmark DAC1 is probably one of the best bargains in all of HiFi for $995 new. If you could go to $1500, then I would recommend a used Bel Canto DAC3 which goes for $2500 new. I've owned both of them and the DAC3 has a better mid... 
VTL MB250 sig or Nuforce Ref9 SE
I haven't listened to the NuForce Amps, but I do still own a pair of Bel Canto Ref1000 Monoblocks, which is another very promising Class D Amp, and has always been favorably compared with other top Class D Amps. Having owned a VTL Super Deluxe Pre... 
Squeezebox Internet radio 'sputtering?
I forgot to ask you this. Did you first use your Duet with a wireless connection and then change it to a wired connection? Because if you did, you have to go into the settings on the remote and reconfigure it for a wired ethernet connection. Just ... 
Squeezebox Internet radio 'sputtering?
Squeezecenter is selected when you want to use your computer as a Server, in other words, access your iTunes Library, it will also play internet radio stations, and your Computer (Server) has to be on all the time, also make sure that Squeezecente... 
What speakers would you travel with?
Oh, one more thing! Phenomenal is spelled incorrectly, but more importantly it has an ipod jack and an ipod charger on top so you don't even need your Laptop if you want to travel lighter. I forgot to mention that I also have a pair of A5's in my ... 
What speakers would you travel with?
Audioengine A2. I have the A5's on my desktop at home with a Benchmark Dac1 and a pair of A2's on my desktop at work. Phenomenol speakers.., both of them, check out all the great reviews at as well as the great review on Ste... 
Speaker recommendations
I see your pre-requisite was imaging and soundstages well, with decent bass extension and you like rock music.I've owned a pair of Alon IV's for many years and loved them, I've also listened to the Alon V's and Alon II. The Alon V was probably the... 
Audible Illusions Preamp
I have to agree with Peter_s. I felt that the sound of the Audible Illusions was somewhat compressed and it lacked dynamics and presence. I've owned and enjoyed a VTL Super Deluxe Preamp for the past 15 years, until I recently upgraded to an MBL 6... 
Cables for an MBL Reference system?
Hi Jackaroe,I have a similar system to yours, Transporter, MBL 6010D, 1611F, 9008a's, driving a pair of Kharma Mini Exquisites. I'm using all Kubala-Sosna Emotion throughout with great success. I guess you could say that the sound is very analog l... 
Best digital interconnect
CORRECTION: The Tara Labs Digital Cable that I demoed was "The Zero" not "The One." 
Best digital interconnect
I tried the Kharma Enigma, Tara Labs The One, Zu Ash, Straightwire Gold, and Kubala-Sosna Emotion Digital Cables.In my system the best one was the Kubala, then in descending order was, Kharma, Tara Labs, Zu Ash, then Straightwire. The last two cab... 
Aragon 4004 mk II / Mccormack DNA 1 amp
I owned an Aragon 4004 MKII for a very long time and I really enjoyed it immensely.I have also listened to the McCormack DNA-1, but it was a very long time ago.The Aragon has enough power to basically drive any speaker. The bass was phenomenal whi... 
thoughts on MBL amps: 8011 vs 9007's
I also think you would get more bang for your buck to put your money into an Analog Preamp such as the Noble MBL 5011 mentioned above, or even the Reference MBL 6010D, depending on your budget of course, before buying different Amps. Either one wo... 
thoughts on MBL amps: 8011 vs 9007's
Hey Mribob,I'm using a pair of Kharma Mini Exquisites, MBL 9008A Amp, MBL 6010D Preamp, MBL 1611F DAC with Kubala-Sosna Emotion Speaker Cables and Interconnects throughout. I don't have power conditioning yet, as I will be redoing my place shortly...