
Discussions rird has started

Aged components / service!?388733
Fraud and scam, how many of you are victims?736355
Better/best fullrange nearfield speakers?656033
transistor pre with the sound of tubes501259
Electrocompaniet EC 4.8mk2, anyone listen to this unit?21042
Input and opinions of Cardas Clear (digital) AES/EBU42693
2 way, which are the best designs?580668
Audio Sensibility Digital AES/EBU, anyone?48381
Which HDMI for audio545111
Digital coaxial advice needed357519
Nuprime Evo Dac ... is it that good?34720
Wadia users (current or previous)19804
PS Audio Gain cell or SPL Director?44903
Audio Alchemy DDP-1... anyone?72625
From Wadia to ???692412