
Discussions river251 has started

Is Bill Thalman man still working on Conrad Johnson's?9425
Compatibility of Cary SLI-100 with ProAc? Magnepan?19637
Cary SLI-80 or SLI-100?67619
Suggest something that plays CDs and streams for around 3000?296322
A question about what "streaming" is20337
Please suggest a CD/streaming device for ~$200015608
Should I still buy a CD player? Suggest one? 1710765
Which REL subs for ProAc One SCs?940826
Which Harbeths for 14x35x12 living/kitchen space?324711
5 best selling newish speaker brands in 2013?820228
Mullard EL-34: new version vs. vintage18470
Will sub help my Proac 1SCs fill new larger room?27757
Which tubes to spend the most money on in a PV-5?25045
Congestion, clarity problems gone: M.R. RM-92624313
EL34 SE 12wpc for $200 new...anybody tried this?32439