
Responses from rkt008

Jolida JD100. How good is it?
Milindks, Just like Muralman1 I really dont want to reveal my source because they only had 2 in stock and I want to buy more should they prove to be the Holy Grail for my system. I spent over 8 hours on the web just to find those! If their stock w... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
Distortion I eagerly await both Sylvania's. I ordered the grey plates first because that's all I could find. They are due any day now. I then found some 3 mica blackplates and ordered them.Awaiting them as well. I kept the old tubes I took out of ... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
I sort of feel that way about my Dahlquist speakers although I imagine after this much time they have been surpassed. No way to tell without blindly buying something. I can never judge anything in a store. I feel fortunate to land a winner in the ... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
I am one obsessive devil when I search for something. The secret is to enjoy the search and leave no stones unturned.My system is very close to being where I want it and I cant stop this close to the finish line. I did follow up on the Apogee spea... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
Tried the RCA 5751 triple blackplates(NOS) in the Jolida. They are very smooth,detailed but just a touch dry in my system. Soundstage dropped back just a bit from the stock tubes. All in all I prefer the chinese stock tubes to the RCA's. I await m... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
Muralman, Your critique on the various tubes seems to be in line with other summations I have picked up on the web. The telefunken's according to some may win the prize for the most overrated tube.Raytheon is getting a lot of praise as a sleeper t... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
6,000? If your thinking along those lines your out of my league. There is a point of diminishing returns that set in after a certain point. I remember a friend of mine investing in the 35,000 HQD system about 16 years ago. Doubled speakers and eve... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
I think I have a better chance of finding Osama or Saddam than a pair of Sylvania 5751 Black Plate's. I have Sovtek's in my Pre-amp and I wonder if that's a weak link. I will try the Electro Harmonix and see how that works in the Pre-amp and insta... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
Muralman, I dont blame the Jolida by any means.The Musical Fidelity amp and the Jolida as well as the Harmonic Technlogy Interconnects have pushed my system to a level where I am very close to what I consider perfection. There may be no such as pe... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
Playing my new JD-100 with the stock chinese tubes I am amazed at how good the sound is on certain recordings. A CD of the Barber Violin concerto is all one could ask for. Seductively lush and warm yet it doesnt hang back in the soundstage. It is ... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
What about the Sovtek 5751's? Anyone tried them? 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
I have been burning up the web looking for the Sylvania 5751 grey plate mica gold pin tube. No luck so far. The black plate according to one source is a great tube but is more prone to failure than the grey plate. He had some that after six months... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
Muralman! I just received my JD-100 today. Wow! It sounded damn good right out of the box! This player is going to awesome when I update the power cord and get it burned in. I was worried it might sound overly mellow but it has plenty of bite and ... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
I know about the break in period. I read your battle with Socrates about the Jolida. My harmonic technology interconnects sounded HORRIBLE out of the box. I was really depressed big time. Ater they cooked up for a period of time the gates of heave... 
Jolida JD100. How good is it?
Muralman1, Thanks again! I will check up on the Apogee. I had a friend yeras ago who ran a store called Hoffman's House of Stereo. I was fortunate to be able to hear in my system lots of high end gear without having to purchase them blindly. I lea...