
Responses from rms456

New AES3/USB interface?
The Mutec will mute when the signal lock is lost,  this is probably normal, input from Mac playing up?  
Warning when trying Innuos PhoenixUSB
Im thinking to buy the Phoenix to replace Micro usb3 from ifi. Thank you for the tip. Once burned in, does it still require a warm up time to sound its best or recommend to leave on 24/7?  
@dpop  I’ve only looked at a few ’high priced’ ethernet cables and gave up after finding each one was shielded. Being cable manufacturers, they didn’t specify if one end only was grounded. Even if the cable is grounded at one end the shield resis... 
When a CAT cable runs from a switch to a streamer, there's a situation very simple,  but complex to remove noise. The switch and endpoint chassis are at different potentials, this is the same as for analog,  noise current starts to flow. When sh... 
Accuphase dac 60
@duketbrd88 , an iPhone, bluesound is not the choice of source for the DAC60. A laptop is not close either, too much noise in the USB, which needs a lot of clean up hardware, like the ifi micro usb3. The sound will be shrill, the treble will spla... 
Accuphase dac 60
@duketbrd88 , glad to hear a found mechanical problem was the root cause of the lower volume. A venerable E-450 in the office has seen a few add in DACs DAC30, 40, 50... each one's level matches the amp's gain and each one improves the sound. For... 
Single vs Bi-wire Speaker Cable
Bass has the most energy, therefore power requirement is also highest. Terminate at the bass, then jumper to treble/mid for single cables.  I found copper has a darker quality, silver plated copper sounds good to me, and it's a little cheaper tha... 
Sound quality of Roon
Roon's database is quite a problem due to its size. For my library of 8TB files, Roon database was 50-60 GB. Jriver is a fraction of that, as well as Minimserver. With a Lumïn U1, the best results were with the native app and Minimserver as the fr... 
Ethernet - Analog/Digital Signal Clean Up
@toyman , let's know how they work in your system. The purpose of the two filters is that one blocks crud from the source, the other from induction along the cable. Try to use non shielded cables in the chain, the sound was rough and hard compare... 
Which Ethernet filter?
@bigby  The DX filters work very well ahead of the EtherRegen in my system. For a very modest price, there's a lift in soundstage height and clearer more defined separation of vocals and instruments.  Highly recommended  .  
Etheregen - doesn't seem right that it gets so hot, dangerous? Unpredictable?
Recently undergoing a lounge renovation, the audio system was dismantled including the EtherRegen.  I found with great difficulty to unplug the Ethernet cable, the jack had a distorted plastic case and wouldn't disconnect.  Spent several minutes t... 
Roon vs Audirvāna or other
Audirvana has the best sound I found, and that's on a very modest office system that differences can be heard compared to Jriver. Audirvana is vey slow to scan network drives for changes, pity the engine can't be used with another server program.... 
Getting him in my ARC PH3se phono pre
Consider induction from cables in the wall or worst case induction from motors through the platter. 
Audirvana vs Roon
I don't use Audirvana every day, yesterday fired up the latest version on a Win10 PC, UpNP to a Lumin U1.Took about 15-20 minutes to sync the library adding some 50 albums or so, mainly redbook, nothing happens until the sync has stopped. The rece... 
Low hum from amp
When did this start?