Responses from roberjerman
Turntable Set-Up HELP! Dead cartridge! | |
Looking for ic AudioQuest Silver Extreme IC's. Available new from HCM for $90 a pair. I bought 5 pairs. SQ as fine as any of the expensive muti-kilo buck cables! | |
What area or country do you live in ? Pasco County, FL - north of St.Pete. Best weather year-round in the US! | |
What are the best speakers you have ever owned and why? KLH Nine electrostats! In use since February 1992. Used with Futterman H3AA OTL mono amps. | |
ST 70 best sounding version? The latest issue of TAS has a review of a new version of the ST70. Looks pretty impressive! | |
Highest BUILD quality tube amps? Will Vincent (autospec) specializes in rebuilds of Dyna ST70's. He built me a really nice SET 45 on a Dyna chassis! Recommended! | |
Any Love for the Pioneer PLX-1000 Yet? @chakster : The PLX1000 is a high quality DD TT at an affordable price! I have one! The $1800 Technics is overpriced! I doubt that the Pioneer and Technics differ sonically! | |
$1000 should be spent for a NOS DAC or a turntable? +1 mzkmxcv! The proliferation of DAC's (especially the expensive ones) is a marketing ploy to extract more money from the gullible and neurotic! I still prefer and use one-box CD players! | |
Buy 12ax7 tube Lack of separation and detail is an inherent problem with the trance recordings you are listening to. They are hardly audiophile quality! Try some well-recorded classical recordings instead: Munch/Heifetz BSO Beethoven Violin Concerto RCA Red Seal... | |
Buy 12ax7 tube Noisy tubes! And a high noise floor in that Chinese-made Vincent amp! | |
Matching Klipsch Reference and Reference Premiere?? There is NO need for a center speaker! A properly placed L and R speaker pair will provide ALL the center fill needed! Reference: Alan Blumlein - the inventor of stereo! | |
Matching Klipsch Reference and Reference Premiere?? Sell the RP440C and use only the other four speakers. I have never liked the sound of a center speaker! I find it ruins the stereo imaging effect. Just another way for the speaker companies to sell more products! | |
Adcom GFA 555 II Don't do it! The GFA555 is already putting over 200 watts into each speaker! Bridging will make each amp "see" a constant load of 2 ohms or less! NO GOOD! Distortion will double, as will current. Too much stress (heat) on the output stage transis... | |
Can one use 2 sets of monoblock amplifiers to one stereo set of speakers? Don't do it! | |
Buy 12ax7 tube +1 yogiboy! USA-made 12AX7's are excellent value! +1 for the Baldwin's! |