Responses from roberjerman
Buying Music Likes Its The Early 90's I have spent the past twenty years buying CDs from my local GoodWill. A bargain at $3 or less! | |
Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers? Original GAS amplifiers: Ampzilla, Son Of Ampzilla and Grandson. I have two Son's and a Grandson. One Son is presently making wonderful music with the DCM Time Windows! | |
Phono Preamp - Dual Mono with 24 Volt PS The ML6 comprised two identical chassis's, each containing a single channel phono and line stage. Each chassis had its own input selector and volume control. | |
Phono Preamp - Dual Mono with 24 Volt PS A well-designed one-box preamp with phono and line stage and internal power supply can be quite excellent! Many examples abound! Audio Research SP14 comes to mind - there is one for sale now on Audiogon! | |
Phono Preamp - Dual Mono with 24 Volt PS Not necessarily! The Levinson ML6 preamp had two separate chassis's - left mono and right mono. It sold in 1980 for $6K and was considered the best ML preamp. | |
Hidden Gems in Pre-Owned Solid State Power Amplifiers? @Ipretiring: I have a Bedini 150/150 and a BEL 1001, among others in my collection. Both still working fine! | |
what happened to Golden Tube? I have a Golden Tube SE40. It has three 6L6's per channel. PSE (Parallel Single End) for about 20 watts. Which makes it quite powerful for a single-end tube amp! | |
Perfect Path Technologies confusion +1 jnorris2005! Sanity prevails! PPT mats and cards are no more effective than Pokemon! | |
Question on phono input noise levels SUTs have the lowest noise levels, better than any active stage. | |
Inflated prices in audio @georgehifi I was just being satirical! I am appalled by the prevalence of voodoo and Flat Earth Science on today's audio scene! Certainly the Internet has given the charlatans, grifters and crazies access to a worldwide audience of the easily foo... | |
Inflated prices in audio It is easier to sell one item for $1M than a million for $1 each! | |
Has to be said @hemigreg: Watch out! I see a van pulling up and men in white coats spilling out! | |
Inflated prices in audio I wish I was unscrupulous enough to start a business selling fuses and power cords! As the old prospectors said: "There's GOLD in dem dar hills!" | |
Koetsu black, lacking bass Consider getting a high-mass arm. I have two for use with mc cartridges: Fidelity Research FR29 and FR54. I agree with mulveling that the Clearaudio arm is suspect! | |
Koetsu black, lacking bass Try adding one, two or three US nickels to the headshell. Each weighs 5 grams. You may then need to add some weight to the counterweight to adjust the VTF(2.5 grams). |