Responses from robob
Brooklyn DAC+ Anyone? "Christmas comes early!!!"Indeed. Preliminary listen shows more extended and cleaner/more detailed high end and cleaner bass along with more detail top to bottom. Not sure I knew I could still hear that much on top. But don't be thinking it's b... | |
Brooklyn DAC+ Anyone? Supposedly on the white truck for delivery today. I will let it reach room temp and then run it for a couple of hours before really listening.Parsec XLR cables give more weight than the low cost Analysis Plus RCAs they replaced. Also apparently ... | |
D'Agostino Progression monoblocks replacing my Theta Prometheus monoblocks "Here is Solutions Cyrill Hammer take on it also."if you want to have your product performing at the cutting edge it is not possible with today’s known switching technologies. In order to come close to the performance of the best linear design ... | |
RE: Suggestions for Tidal Streaming problems caused by Internet Connection Problems Hey Group,Any update on this? Mine has been good until a few nights ago and I did get some buffering. I am using an Ethernet cable to a Airport Extreme which is cabled via Ethernet to my Comcast router. I am on Comcast Business class but in a r... | |
Brooklyn DAC+ Anyone? @djohnson54,"I understand your confusion about the "@" syntax but this is a convention that Audiogon uses too. Typing @ when you're replying to another responder (instead of the OP) in the thread pops up a list of everyone in the current threa... | |
Best cartridge for SME 309 Heidrun,I have a Lyra Kleos on my 309 and it sounds really good through a Parasound JC+. It is both detailed and full and tracks pretty well. Before I bought my Kleos Fremer liked the combination and I hear what he heard.Good fortune,Robert | |
Listening impressions of two tonearm wires Lewm,It is difficult these days to listen for yourself. Even in Houston which is the fourth largest US city by population and third or second largest by area, there are few if any dealers left that will let one audition a component in one's own s... | |
Phono Stage Recommendation $3000 rsf507,You said, "Listened to a jc3+ and found it noisy. Didn't impress YMMV" .I believe I have said this before, but if you heard a noisy JC3+, it or something else in the system was defective. They are not noisy.One might think you have an inter... | |
Brooklyn DAC+ Anyone? Shadorne,Thanks for the reply but I was not the one asking about the DAC3. As I said I want MQA (I currently use an Explorer2 for that) and the DAC3 does not have it.I did read Benchmark's reply in Stereophile about the intersample overs. I had ... | |
Listening impressions of two tonearm wires Montaldo,Agree re his review. Even the pro reviewers and bloggers are not doing a very good job these days. HP (Harry Pearson) and others used to give both overall and explicit examples of how something sounds. Now we seem to get whether someth... | |
Phono Stage Recommendation $3000 Hello,I like tubes but for $3k you should try the Parasound JC3+ . It is the considered by many to be the class of the field in that price range. I have heard many and tried several in my system and really like my JC3+.It is both full and detail... | |
Brooklyn DAC+ Anyone? Hello,Based on the lack of responses to my query, nobody here apparently has the new version. Reviews of both lead me to believe the DAC3 is a bit better than the original Brooklyn. Of course many of us actually want MQA and the Benchmarks do n... | |
Brooklyn DAC+ Anyone? Hey,Thanks, but I was asking specifically about the Brooklyn DAC+ which is the updated one released in October.I will definitely try the filter choices.Take it EZ, Robert | |
MQA according to new Stereophile "loudness button" and "tweaking EQ in presence region" BTW, there is plenty of content on Tidal. The problem is you cannot buy most of it for some reason.Robert | |
MQA according to new Stereophile "loudness button" and "tweaking EQ in presence region" Hey Folks,I have heard lots of loudness circuits. I have heard MQA through the Explorer2 and Tidal and Audirvana's software decoding.MQA does not sound like an EQ circuit. I believe it was Robert Harley who said it takes you closer. That is ex... |