
Responses from robshaw

New Project RS2T transport
Hello folks: Robert Shaw from TN: Charles,  again thanks for all your help and guidance, and everyone else that contributed.      My second unit is going back as soon as I can get an RA number and printed label from the Music Room. Today, I went ... 
New Project RS2T transport
To Charles 1 Dad and many of the others who helped me. I'm glad the other member was able to remedy the puck issue. I believe one member suggested the lack of better machining to tolerances. I will look into the LPS that Charles mentioned. Just wa... 
New Project RS2T transport
To all of you that tried to help. I really and sincerely appreciate it!!!!! My wife and I played with the puck today, and discovered a very minor burr on the inside of the plastic/metal puck that secures the disc. It was extremely minor, but, We d... 
New Project RS2T transport
thank you for the video, I had watched it once before and really didn't pay attention. It looks very obvious that the puck drop right down on the disc to secure it, mine wont.  Thanks again  
Tekton versus Klipsch
I have a pair of Tekton double impacts (upgraded) for almost 3 years. I love them. I listen to ONLY Rock and Roll. I have a rather large area in my shop designated for music. The acoustics are incredible, don't know why. ( 20'x30') Speakers are a... 
New Jays Audio flagship cd transport
To answer the above, One of the most important considerations of purchase ( CDT 3 Mk 3, is your business affiliation with the above unit. So far everything I've researched of your business is stellar.  Service and repair is paramount to me, as I'm... 
New Jays Audio flagship cd transport
REF: Jay's Audio  CDt-2 Mk3 vrs CDT-3 Mk3    Can anyone tell me please, other than the price difference, why I should spend double the price, and what you get for the money, most likely my last CD transport, mirrored with a Meitner MA 1 DAC  Curre... 
dissapointing experience with Project CD Box RS2T Transport
Walter is a very nice guy, have had many a nice conversation. I am also on a waiting list for said machine. I was fortunate  to locate one at the Music Room and decided based on everyone's kudos to buy the machine.  Little did I know I would be th... 
dissapointing experience with Project CD Box RS2T Transport
to charles1 dad and tweak 1  Thanks so much for the response. I can only assume by your posts that you own or are very familiar with the transport. It was all set up properly and plugged in to a power supply when appropriate. When the on switch wa... 
dissapointing experience with Project CD Box RS2T Transport
facten, Thanks, didn't think about that. Went to the site you highlighted. I didn't see any type of protrusion on the lid at all. It looks totally,  nicely machined and smooth. I certainly hope on a machine this expensive that a small GLUED on tab... 
sample rate indicator display
Thanks  a lot. I will give that a shot later today. I will let you know one way or the other. Thanks for the info. Robert     I believe your right on the Amazon point.  
sample rate indicator display
Thanks so very much. I will try that. We do use the Amazon app.  My wife checked and it was NOT enabled. We changed it to Enabled. We'll see. Thanks and will let you know.   Trying a 30 day free trial of Qobuz as we speak. Amazons web site and Mus... 
sample rate indicator display
Thank you. Going to try bringing the laptop in and streaming after restarting once hooked up. Then try a  song at a lesser sampling rate and see where the indicator lights are? Thanks again  
Jays CD2- Mk3 CDT vrs CEC-TL5 CDT
Thanks so much. Appreciated  
What’s the deal with high end CD transports not having the ability to program tracks!?
charles1dad,  Thanks so much for the prompt response. Appreciated. Thanks for the directions. Robert