

Responses from roccl007

Mundorf Silver/Gold in Oil Supreme Caps Any Good?
Thank's Jsadurni for this helpfull site (humblehomemadehifi)the description of the differents caps is pretty interstingnote that i ordered 2 12au7 (mullard nos) and 2 6dj8 (amperex bugle boy nos) and see how it react in my dac before upgrading the... 
Does UPS ever open and inspect packages?
Don't know if they opened it but they could damaged it for sure.....Stay away from Mister Brown! 
so happy, just find out the two original belts at Mutine (Sylvain Montreuil, 514-221-2160) at a real cheap price of 20$ can. for the pair a very useful guy....Notice that they are very easy to change by yourself!!! 
"Warm" sounding digital interconncect
you could try a shot in earing some VIRTUAL DYNAMIC digital like the NIGHT, MASTER or even the REVELATION (expensive) in a 1 1\2 meter lenght if you can afford it...good luck 
Great Copper Cables?
Hey folks nobody did mention about the KIMBER familly like the 8 TC (on a budget cables) or even the KS-3033 (too expensive) or just forgotten ???Good mention for the VIRTUAL DYNAMIC MASTER and REVELATION !!! 
Anyone heard a C.J..Revolution 2000 ?
This one have been produced between 1990 and 1995, abouti am the owner of a cj evolution 2000 and it is the better world between SS AMP and TUBES AMPbass performance is also very good close to the krell in some departement but the amp is a bit slo... 
Its Alive Review of Cabasse Baltic/Thor
just get a look at my previous thread regarding my new purchase...i need to make some more listening session compare to my previous speakers (parsifal)what is your opinion for my problem thank you very much... 
Virtual dynamics Master powercords
i own my self a digital 1,5 m long of master wich i exchange with a nite and it make a huge difference.if you live in Canada Rick could make nice trade over older V.D. product......Bang for a buck quality ratio !!! 
Best digital cable to audition?
Albert Porter choice is a good one but i will strongly recommand also a 1.5 M of virtual dyanmic NITE or if you can afford the new MASTER SERIE...Long break in time but sound very good fresh out of the box and also a very good service by Rick....h... 
CJ Premier 10 - still competitive?
i owned a premier 10 by CJ, upgrade to audio research LS 25 and then finish with a reference one...i feel the CJ 10 is a lot less silent in back ground and i think your premiere eight deserve a lot better pre amp....LS 25 was a tad less musical bu... 
Older PURE CLASS-A Amplifiers
- A good old CLASSE DR3 VHC this amp is a small power house and deliver 45 WPC of pure classe A and it is reliable and sweet souding, weighting in at nearly 90 pounds.... 
Review: Foundation Research LC1 & LC2 Power cord
Hello STEHNO, you do a nice review of power foundation and i am proud it is one of those Canadian product.I just want you to tell us if there is a big gap between the older version compare to the new one? if i buy a used one wich way it will tell ... 
ARC ref One MK II Tube Upgrade
On my reference one i am using 8 6922 amperex from u.s.a. and the unit sound pretty good.If you want a warmer sound you could go with amperex bugle boy from Holland ( new old stock). it is a matter of taste.i encourage you to go on dicussion trail... 
Review: Maple Audio Works Ambiance Interconnect
how would you describe the sonic signature of this cable? on the soft side (laid back)? or the opposite? or just in the middle...is there any bench test avalaible....thanks 
Victoriaville jazz fest, are you going???
LITTLE UP NORTH U.S.A......prefer montreal jazz festival.......or just for laught