

Responses from rocray

Ideas for Pre/Power $9000?
 Is buying used out of the question?  Slightly used will definitely get you more miles per dollar.   Just a suggestion.  Enjoy the journey.  
A tale of two sides
Life is way too short.  Enjoy your system.   
Can you provide context on First Watt?
@surlydale , I feel your pain waiting for a shipment.  It’s nerve wracking for sure. I agree with your assessment that your current speakers will work with the J2. Also,since you will have some time with the new amp and your current speakers, this... 
Bluesound Node N130
I had a very similar issue with my 2i when connected to my Wyred4sound DAC 1 LE. It took me a couple of days to figure out the problem. It was, like others have said,was the Audio Clock Trim.  
Can you provide context on First Watt?
@surlydale , I also don’t listen very loud. Loud for me is about 85db peaks.(Using an iPhone app). I occasionally run a pair of Graham Chartwell LS3/5 using my J2. These are not very sensitive speakers at 83db,however are a pretty easy 9ohm. The J... 
Network Streamer using Wifi connected to a MHDT Orchid
I agree with @fuzztone regarding using a Wi-Fi extender.  I have no way to hard wire my Bluesound Node 2i and Node 2.  A member on this forum suggested the same solution.   I followed through and purchased two extenders, and haven’t looked back. T... 
Can you provide context on First Watt?
You won’t be sorry with First Watt. I’m a happy owner of two First Watt amps. An F5,and J2.  Nelson Pass also participates on diy Audio forums.    
Aric Audio and my system
@evank, one of the many things to love about Aric’s preamps,is the ability to roll tubes.  I can testify that every tube that I have run in my ML II has had a different outcome.  They are so responsive to tube changes.  Enjoy your new preamp.    
All Pre 1970 Vintage speakers suck! Prove me wrong
I have the opinion of,if this were kenjit, wouldn’t ALL speakers suck?? Of course with the exception of speakers that he has designed.   
new to streaming- help!
Try unplugging your Node,let it reboot,then try to link to Wi-Fi.   Sometimes these get a little wonky. I hope this helps.  
All Pre 1970 Vintage speakers suck! Prove me wrong
This won’t end well.   
Aric Audio and my system
Congratulations on your system satisfaction @earthbound.   I remember when Aric sold his preamps on EBay.  I’m so happy to see him break through.   Even his early gear, I thought was special.    
Brian Hoyer / In-Tone / kasa
What brings someone down to theft? Drugs,alcohol,gambling? All the above?   
Who else is using old cables/interconnects, and is happy?
I make most of my audio purchases from the used market.  All my cables are older used models.  I don’t always need the latest and greatest.  Other hobbies to feed. Everything in moderation.     
Aric Audio
Aric is outstanding. I currently am running two of his preamps in my two systems.  His Motherlode II in my listening room,and an Unlimited in the secondary system.  I’ve been a big fan of Aric’s for sometime now.  I’ve had some questions over the ...