
Responses from rodar93

Teac UD-503 Volume problem
  @oddiofyl yes, tried for few times  
Teac UD-503 Volume problem
@oddiofyl yes, fix mode, variable mode, +6 db mode, matter where the volume set, it just happened. Opened and checked, no loose connection or soldering. @srinisr thanks, will check it out.  
Teac UD-503 Volume problem
@oddiofyl nope, but no matter what souce, (cd, computer, streamer, tv) using different conncetor (spdif, coax, usb), same thing happened  
Teac UD-503 Volume problem
@oddiofyl thanks, i have tried to reset and unplug even overnight. But the same problem comes after using for a while, never happened when it just powered on. Totally no clue  
Teac UD-503 Volume problem
@oddiofyl yes, tried that, but doesn't work  
How to set up volume control on a DAC without a preamp
passive pre with remote it is. Khozmo passive pre got lots good review.  
Mcintosh MAC7200 or Hegel H390 for a new pair of Kef R7 META
If it were me I’d spend the extra $1000 and get the 8950 instead of the 7200. I believe the 7200 comes with the DA1 module and the 8950 comes with the DA2. 8950 also has tone controls and no receiver. Either will drive the Kefs no problem. tota... 
Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation
I have very good experience with Harbeth SHL5 plus, acording to your description, I would suggest you to try polk audio back ported. I have a pair discountinued RTI A1, hang on the wall and right behind a hanged tv, very short space to the left an... 
Cable for Mcintosh MA8950 and Monitor Audio PL200 II
@audphile1 thanks, will keep it in mind and keep trying  
Cable for Mcintosh MA8950 and Monitor Audio PL200 II
@audphile1 no worry. I keep trying plug my amp into the condioner and directly onto the wall. Directly in the wall will bring back the dynamic but flattened the soundstage, especially in the depth. Don't know the reason.  The wire is directly fro... 
Cable for Mcintosh MA8950 and Monitor Audio PL200 II
@ricred1 wow, didnot expect you will leave your comment. Read a lot of your good views on PL series, and  know that you are a huge monitor audio fan. I fall in love with the PL200, PL300 2rd generation since they first came out in the audio show. ... 
Cable for Mcintosh MA8950 and Monitor Audio PL200 II
@jeffreyw thanks, have read a lot good reviews while doing my homework Will keep my eyes on it @audphile1 correction, it's a power conditioner, not even a power regenerator. have no issue, actually like the heimdall2 speaker cables a lot. Got it...