Responses from ronrags
Wonderful visit and 5-star customer service at Audio Doctor in Jersey City, NJ! Well said Kalali. There are those members that are so negative no matter what the topic. I read this forum daily for information and ideas but I'm turned off by these individuals who turn these forums into a venting platform. Take it from one who ... | |
Sophia EL34-ST Tubes Does anyone have any experience with these tubes? | |
Has anyone compared K150 tubes and the stock EL34s in Primaluna integrated/amplifiers? Samzx12,I assume the GL KT88 are fully broken in so what is your opinion vs the GL KT77? Since you indicated the 88s have better controlled bass and top end extension, what about the mid range? | |
Free Absorption Panels I live in Staten Island and have 3- 2'x4'x2" and 4- 2'x2'x2" ATS accoustical panels I no longer use. I also have a pair of 36" metal stands, shot loaded with spikes.They are all free, just pick them up. Anyone interested please PM me. | |
Fuses fuses fuses Teo,Excellent info and analysis. I just wish the naysayers just accept the fact that there is a difference. Who really cares the reason? I tried different fuses and configurations and picked the best that worked for me. Just sit back and enjoy the... | |
Fuses fuses fuses Geoff,Don't waste your time or energy on these irrational people. It's typical of this generation to think they're right whether they tried things out for themselves or not. It's like my son-in-law who thinks everything he reads on the internet is... | |
Fuses fuses fuses I'm not one who frequents these forums often, but I do reflect my observations and results that work with my system. It seems the same parties are always contraversial and negative without being objective. Being trained as an engineer, I've always... | |
Considering switching from Audio Research to PrimaLuna, troube with VS115 amp I'm no audio expert but what really counts is how the music sounds to an individual and/ or the synergy between equipment. In the 40 plus years I've owned various SS integrated amps and separates including Pass, Classe, Modwright and Hegel. Each h... | |
Synergestic Black Fuse vs Audio Magic BeesWax Zipost,I compared the SR black fuses to Audio Horizon Platinum fuses in my PL Int amp, Hegel DAC, Oppo 95 and Olive 06HD music server. Each piece of equipment sounded smoother and fuller with AH fuses. The SR fuses were a bit brighter sounding wh... | |
Best Subwoofer To Use With A Two Way Speaker System I'm using a JL Audio E110 sub with the 2 way Lawrence Violin SE speakers. My Primaluna Int amp has only a mono sub output but it is more than enough in my 13 x 18 room. Since the speakers go down to 38hz, my dealer suggested I run the speakers at ... | |
Synergistic Research MIG 2.0 Review I just purchased a set of MIGs to compare with tenderfeet and I agree with you. I've been using soft feet for quite a number of years and never thought of trying hard feet until reading your post. The difference is not as drastic as you state but ... | |
Has anyone compared Synergistic XOT and XOT Carbon transducers? Pete, looks like your results are exactly what the dealer stated. I also called Synergistic and they suggested I try the Migs 2.0 in lieu of upgrading to the newer carbon XOT. So I received the Migs today and plan to do an extensive review with va... | |
PrimaLuna Prologue Premium vs Luxman SQ-N10 ? I have owned the PL Dialogue and now the Premium model and never heard a hum so I guess the unit was defective. I'm quite pleased with PL products since they are well built and sound great.Let's us know your results with the comparison. | |
Has anyone compared Synergistic XOT and XOT Carbon transducers? I called the dealer where I purchased the original XOT and he didn't think it was worth the upgrade which I found surprising. He wanted to know my current equipment and thought it might make a very small improvement since the older model pretty mu... | |
Has anyone compared Synergistic XOT and XOT Carbon transducers? Ozzy,I haven't had any problems with the original XOT with my Primaluna Int amp so hopefully I won't with the newer model. Thanks |