Responses from roxy54
Rogue Dragon Tube Recommendations Try Andy at Vintage Tube Services. | |
Has There Been Changes To The SME V Over The Years? Why not just buy an electron microscope to confirm all of the desired properties? | |
You can't afford a Lambo Veneno, so get this.. @oddiofyl I agree. The Fender connection makes much more sense. The looks are more appealing and the musical connection would appeal to many audiophiles. | |
You can't afford a Lambo Veneno, so get this.. How silly. I don't see what that cross merchandising would do for either brand. | |
Speakers On Wheels? I’m sure that good caster wheels are as stable as spikes or anyhing else, but they won’t have the sonic benefits of good modern vibration draining footers that are available today. These things really make an amazing difference in making perceived... | |
Those rare albums that are great on first listen. Crowded House - Temple of Low Men Their masterpiece. | |
Anyone else order Caladans from Clayton Shaw? It's kind of amusing reading this thread, everyone sharing their numbers in line and complaining, but hoping for the best. | |
Those rare albums that are great on first listen. Level 42 - Running in the Family | |
Vandersteen Aficianados please step inside (Quatro) He might already own the 60 watt amp that he's referring to Jason. | |
Speakers On Wheels? I agree with @soix. | |
Ohm Speakers Status Update @cdc I think you mean suit. Which builder are you referring to? | |
Decware Sarah 300B Amp? It's Decware. | |
Decware Sarah 300B Amp? Could it really be worth the time and money? What makes it so special? | |
I have a blue book question Hard to say. They are a good name, but very old and not too common. It's good that you have the crossover though. I'd say ask for 1k and see what kind of offers you get. | |
Speaker cable change?? "why are so many kinds of cable twisted....? What is the advantage?" @stringreen I thought it was to minimize RFI. Not sure though. |