

Responses from roxy54

The Tempest
There might be another, but it isn't me. 
Tony Williams Lifetime CD is probably the best I have heard on my system. George Benson's White Rabbit disc is also beautiful sounding, full of nuance. 
Forty bucks well spent....
All very amusing, but you really ought to try this product. I don't even pretend to understand how or why it works, and I don't really care. All that I know is...it works! 
improving bass on large floorstanders....
You should absolutely consider spikes, or better yet, outriggers. (oregondv.com) This should really help you achieve what you are looking for. 
Forty bucks well spent....
Marakanetz,I still have several hundred CDs that were treated with the green CD Stoplight pen, and it is effective. The biggest change with the Auric Illuminator comes from the coating that you put on the CD and then polish off. 
Class A amps or Class D??: Which sounds better??
Jult52 and Csontos both make excellent and insightful observations. 
rear firing tweeters....
I've always wondered about the "correctness" of rear firing tweeters as well, but I have heard several that sound good, so I guess that's what counts.I had a pait of Nestorovic 5As for a couple of years, and they had an optional and removeable rea... 
This is the best i have built
Well then, now that we know what the best is, we can all stop looking! Thanks! 
Best way to run in your Cable Elevators?
Mike 60,If you're joking, it's embarassing. If you're serious, it's just sad. 
HELP with Vandersteen 2ci speakers
I had those same amps for a while. (very nice) Tell us about the rest of your system, especially the Pre. There is something wrong, and it's not the speakers lack of efficiency or the amps, assuming that they are in good condition. 
R.I.P Jon Lord
Love and respect his talent. Still sit in a my darkened listening room at night sometimes, and listen to my favorite, Child in Time. Think I'll do it tonight.Rest In Peace Jon, and Thank You. 
How many still listen to CD's daily.
I do. 
Rotel rc 1090
You posted your question in the reviews forum. 
new Led Zeppelin album due out late 2012
Ptmconsulting,I hope that you're joking. It sounds nothing like Robert Plant, and the music sounds like a bad imitation of stuff from Led Zeppelin 4 and Houses of the Holy.Anyway, if it was, I think that they could have come up with a better video... 
LSi15 Polk audio speakers
You are in the wrong forum. This is for reviews.