
Responses from rrboogie

Enleum Amp 23R w/LS3/5A
I have auditioned the Enleum 23R with the Falcon Acoustics Ls3/5a at a dealer showroom and it was a fantastic pairing. In the same system I heard the 23R with the Cube Audio Nenuphar Mini which I thought was an even better pairing mainly due to th... 
Topping Pre90 Switching op amps?
I sold the Pre90 and bought the A90 discrete for it’s added headphone capabilities which are fantastic with my Hifiman HE 1000v2 headphones. The A90 discrete sounds a bit warmer to my ears in comparison to the Pre90. In the last couple of months I... 
Has the ASR review/hatchet job on the Musetec MH-DA005 Changed Anyone's Mind?
The ASR review came out in May and I bought the 005 in June. I had been following a few threads on the 005 for about 6 months while I was trying to decide on which Dac to purchase. So, no the ASR review didn't dissuade me from purchasing it. I val... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
My experiences with the Musetec and silver (USB cables only) mirror that of @melm. I tried the Audioquest Diamond and Supra Excalibur and I prefer copper USB cables such as the Acoustic BBQ Helix and Sablon 2020.  
Topping Pre90 Switching op amps?
 I am hoping that it is not too noisy as well. My idea with that unit is to have a little more "tube flavour", midrange bloom so that I could switch between the two tube buffers for a different listening experience. I am contemplating purchasing a... 
Schiit v Topping
I also A/B'd the Schiit Freya + with the Topping Pre90. I prefer the Topping Pre90 with the Jolida SSX tube buffer in front of it. No loss in transperancy with the tube buffer. I find that when I listen to the Pre90 on it's own I can't relax (slig... 
I bought the Mustec LKS MH-DA005 and I am very happy with it paired with Altec A7. A friend of mine preferred the Musetec to the Terminator II in his system which led me to my purchasing decision as I was looking at the Denafrips Dacs as well as t... 
Topping Pre90 Switching op amps?
@tomcarr ​​​​@kr4 I also replaced the Schiit Freya + with the Topping Pre90 with the Jolida SSX. I had some local audiophiles over and we A/B'd them and everyone picked the PRE90 and Jolida SSX over the Schiit Freya +. I just sold the Schiit Freya... 
Topping Pre90 Switching op amps?
I use the ICESPRING unit bought off Amazon and it works for me. YMMV  
Topping Pre90 Switching op amps?
Just a follow up of using the tube buffer with the PRE90. I changed the stock Tungsol tube to an Allen 12au7 and the noise floor is dead silent now with a nice balanced sound. So you can have your cake and eat it too! I have a Psvane Art series 12... 
Recommendation on speakers for listening to live music
I am a huge jamband fan. My preference for speakers are JBL and Altec. I am currently using Altec A7 as my mains for two channel and JBL 8330 for my surround speakers. Just awesome! The 150" projection screen helps with webcasts.  
Upgrading Bluesound Node power supply with PD Creative (Hans B. reviews on Youtube)
I heard improvements on both the analog and digital outputs. I no longer use the Bluesound Node 2i. Improvements were found with the Aurender X100L and now my current Small Green Computer Optical i9 into Sonore OpticalRendu is an improvement as we... 
I installed the PD Creative power supply mod in a Node 2i powered by an SBooster LPS and I can confirm that it makes a huge difference to an already excellent streamer. Lowered the noise floor, better bass articulation, reduced vocal sibilants, ex... 
Upgrading Bluesound Node power supply with PD Creative (Hans B. reviews on Youtube)
I installed the PD Creative power supply mod in a Node 2i powered by an SBooster LPS and I can confirm that it makes a huge difference to an already excellent streamer. Lowered the noise floor, better bass articulation, reduced vocal sibilants, ex... 
Topping Pre90 Switching op amps?
The remote is weak. Not great off axis. I use an infrared repeater and it works great!