Responses from rrboogie
Enleum Amp 23R w/LS3/5A I have auditioned the Enleum 23R with the Falcon Acoustics Ls3/5a at a dealer showroom and it was a fantastic pairing. In the same system I heard the 23R with the Cube Audio Nenuphar Mini which I thought was an even better pairing mainly due to th... | |
Topping Pre90 Switching op amps? I sold the Pre90 and bought the A90 discrete for it’s added headphone capabilities which are fantastic with my Hifiman HE 1000v2 headphones. The A90 discrete sounds a bit warmer to my ears in comparison to the Pre90. In the last couple of months I... | |
Has the ASR review/hatchet job on the Musetec MH-DA005 Changed Anyone's Mind? The ASR review came out in May and I bought the 005 in June. I had been following a few threads on the 005 for about 6 months while I was trying to decide on which Dac to purchase. So, no the ASR review didn't dissuade me from purchasing it. I val... | |
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC My experiences with the Musetec and silver (USB cables only) mirror that of @melm. I tried the Audioquest Diamond and Supra Excalibur and I prefer copper USB cables such as the Acoustic BBQ Helix and Sablon 2020. | |
Topping Pre90 Switching op amps? I am hoping that it is not too noisy as well. My idea with that unit is to have a little more "tube flavour", midrange bloom so that I could switch between the two tube buffers for a different listening experience. I am contemplating purchasing a... | |
Schiit v Topping I also A/B'd the Schiit Freya + with the Topping Pre90. I prefer the Topping Pre90 with the Jolida SSX tube buffer in front of it. No loss in transperancy with the tube buffer. I find that when I listen to the Pre90 on it's own I can't relax (slig... | |
$5K DAC OPTIONS I bought the Mustec LKS MH-DA005 and I am very happy with it paired with Altec A7. A friend of mine preferred the Musetec to the Terminator II in his system which led me to my purchasing decision as I was looking at the Denafrips Dacs as well as t... | |
Topping Pre90 Switching op amps? @tomcarr @kr4 I also replaced the Schiit Freya + with the Topping Pre90 with the Jolida SSX. I had some local audiophiles over and we A/B'd them and everyone picked the PRE90 and Jolida SSX over the Schiit Freya +. I just sold the Schiit Freya... | |
Topping Pre90 Switching op amps? I use the ICESPRING unit bought off Amazon and it works for me. YMMV | |
Topping Pre90 Switching op amps? Just a follow up of using the tube buffer with the PRE90. I changed the stock Tungsol tube to an Allen 12au7 and the noise floor is dead silent now with a nice balanced sound. So you can have your cake and eat it too! I have a Psvane Art series 12... | |
Recommendation on speakers for listening to live music I am a huge jamband fan. My preference for speakers are JBL and Altec. I am currently using Altec A7 as my mains for two channel and JBL 8330 for my surround speakers. Just awesome! The 150" projection screen helps with webcasts. | |
Upgrading Bluesound Node power supply with PD Creative (Hans B. reviews on Youtube) I heard improvements on both the analog and digital outputs. I no longer use the Bluesound Node 2i. Improvements were found with the Aurender X100L and now my current Small Green Computer Optical i9 into Sonore OpticalRendu is an improvement as we... | |
PD-Creative I installed the PD Creative power supply mod in a Node 2i powered by an SBooster LPS and I can confirm that it makes a huge difference to an already excellent streamer. Lowered the noise floor, better bass articulation, reduced vocal sibilants, ex... | |
Upgrading Bluesound Node power supply with PD Creative (Hans B. reviews on Youtube) I installed the PD Creative power supply mod in a Node 2i powered by an SBooster LPS and I can confirm that it makes a huge difference to an already excellent streamer. Lowered the noise floor, better bass articulation, reduced vocal sibilants, ex... | |
Topping Pre90 Switching op amps? The remote is weak. Not great off axis. I use an infrared repeater and it works great! |