
Responses from rsf507

Rockport Lyras
@curiousjim the speaker was getting good press it was about a certain individual that was getting negativity many saying he was not an expert just buying these expensive speakers because he could. Sorry but if I named him this thread would be shut... 
Rockport Lyras
I bet it was the guy who bought the speakers had the initial thread axed since there was a lot of negativity not about the speaker but about him. Just a logical guess  
DAC Suggestions
3rd vote for bricasti M3  
Borresen Loudspeakers
@bmwalpina ​but I just got offered a 65% discount for one of the Raidho from my second dealer... Were those speakers demo units sitting on their floor for several years? Would you disclose the dealer? I might be interested in such a "deal" ​​​​​​  
Visit to Mike Lavigne's house
Thanks @shkong78 for your write-up. I've followed Mr Lavigne on WBF for awhile now and I believe he spent considerably $$$ on the design of his room, hiring engineers and having converting an old barn into his listening room. Hundreds of thousands... 
Transparent Audio is anything but Transparent
@marcoklobas well said couldn't agree more.   
OCD mickey website and negativity.
Never heard of this guy but then again don’t go to any YT channels.  
What are your I2S cable recommendations?
Is there a difference in an I²S cable RJ45 vs a great Ethernet cable?  
Cardas Golden Reference or Clear Cygnus? Which would you choose?
Yes both at a dealers several times. No matter the equipment I came away with that warm sound, not to my liking. The Golden Ref was the worst, great midrange but rolled off at both frequency extremes. Again my own impressions  
Cueing Lever Issue - Repairable or Replace?
@gnoworyta I believe buying a new tonearm lever and replacing it is very simple  This is what you would need.    
Cardas Golden Reference or Clear Cygnus? Which would you choose?
Cardas = warmth not my cup of tea YMMV  
Help me pick some new or used speaker cables
My experience is that Cardas Golden Reference is rolled off at both frequency extremes but has a wonderful midrange. I'm using some Audiomica cables that I've been enjoying for several years after being on the cable merry-go-round.  
I Don't Understand What Determines When A Thread Gets The Axe
Yes curious minds would like to know. It was a very informative thread with good info.   
Smaller plug-in AC Purifiers -- Shunyata, iFi, Puron...something else? What do you like?
@hilde45 just looked it’s on their blog page You really only require one of these from my experience yes other options more might be better.  
Smaller plug-in AC Purifiers -- Shunyata, iFi, Puron...something else? What do you like?
@hilde45 I bought mine thru Sounds Of Silence it was around $400 (they retail at 500)