Responses from rsf507
Best dealer on Ebay to purchase authentic new Oyaide products from As the above states "choose wisely" | |
New Class D amplifiers @grantgg do a search on the new Atmasphere class d monoblocks. I've heard them and was very impressed. Extremely fast & clean sounding. | |
Speaker Cable Recommendations - Under 2k I've mentioned in some other posts I went from Cardas Clear to a relatively unknown cable from Poland, Audiomica Labs. Very nice improvement, more clarity but more importantly just a more natural sound. There are others in these forums that use th... | |
Kuzma Stabi R mat? @karl_desch I've heard the CAR-50 cartridge many times at a dealers but recently he got in 2 different MSL cartridges that just blew me away. The Gold Sig and Platinum Sig. To be honest I found the Gold the more musical cartridge. Yes slightly mor... | |
Oyaide P004 and C004 plugs I found the top of the line Furutech's sounded "hard and aggressive" but took close to 500 hrs to smooth out and become dynamic and detailed. Just my own experience. | |
"High end" store snobbery Personally I've had better experiences with small home based dealers, Yes not as big of selections but I've been able to find what I'm looking for and no hard sell, in fact they have told me NOT to buy things even though I was ready to buy with ca... | |
Streaming Dac $5000-8000 Another vote for the Bricasti M3 | |
2023 Florida Audio Expo Show Report Joseph Audio - Acora Lobby System @jomonhifi what do you mean? Is there a report on these 2 speakers? | |
Kirmuss Ultrasonic record cleaner Dealer is Sounds Of Silence in NH | |
Kirmuss Ultrasonic record cleaner dry by suction Yup just how the Keith Monks new Prodigy machines do it. I've been using one for well over a yr with very good results. Takes about 21/2 minutes a side. | |
Power cord length Wife says longer is better! | |
Do You Play Or Save Your Best Cartridges I want the best sound and if I love the cartridge I'll buy it again once I retire it. | |
Do I buy an upscale TT? After hearing at a dealers a Kuzma Safir tonearm and having heard this system many times before but with a 4point I can say the tonearm transformed the sound more than any other piece of gear. Yes it's an expensive arm but I'd say buy it rather th... | |
Speakers for Atma Sphere M60 mk3 Just about any speaker that has a flat impedance of at least 8 ohms or preferably 10-12 ohms to work best. Not many speakers have that type of impedance curve but look for a speaker that uses the PHY driver. | |
Discuss The Viv Lab Rigid Arm So why does analog just sound so right? 🤔 |