Responses from rumblestrip
Rogue Sphinx....good match with Merlin TSM? If you are wanting to go with Rogue, you should take a hard look at the Cronus Magnum III. I've heard that multiple times with Maggie 20.7's and it was nearly as good as the $50K Audio Research stack that was next to it. | |
Seeking speakers under $3K for 10x12 ft room and driven by 20wpc tube amp Fritz Carbon 7's should do the trick. | |
So, I bought a Chord Hugo what? As a "budget" idea to upgrade your current streamer, what about a DDC between your Vault and the Chord? It seems everyone who runs one, be it Singxer, Denafrips, Musician, etc., seems to hear a significant uptick in quality no matter the DAC. | |
JBL's Marketing Blunder.. There is nothing wrong with that video; it is spot on for the demographic they are marketing to. Yes, that is how people in their 20s and early 30s talk. The fact that this is all in a long 6-minute video is what’s not for that crowd. The differen... | |
AI-Written Stereophile Articles My day job is being Director of Content and media for a digital marketing agency. I can tell you that everyone is playing with AI generated content at some level. On top of this, everybody is using some form of AI grammar checker and grammar sugge... | |
Coda #8, Pass XA25, or Schiit Tyr to replace PS Audio M700 To further what @markprice said, PS Audio has a decent trade-in program for their equipment if you are moving up. Call them and see what they could do for you moving up to BHK's. | |
Integrated for Cornwall IV Sugden should be quite good. Also, I'm told by someone whose tastes line up with mine that an Accuphase E-280 is like peanut butter and chocolate/peas and carrots, etc. etc., with the Cornwall's. | |
You tube hifi influencers. Love them or hate them? YouTube today is no different from print magazines of the past. Only the delivery format and frequency have changed. I say this as someone who has been published in both formats over the last 25 years in the automotive and motorsports category. | |
DAC upgrade Two things. One, very surprised no one mentioned the Border Patrol DAC as that is usually one of the favorites in your price range. Second, I remember Srajan from 6Moons talking about how a DDC between your streamer and the DAC makes for a major ... | |
Help us build our playlist for our next show in November! Dissolved Girl - Massive Attack Yulinga - Dead Can Dance This Twilight Garden - The Cure | |
How does this forum feel about original house music and live DJing? Bring it! | |
What should I do - PS Audio DAC with or without Preamp Most, but not all D2C brands will cost 50-80% less than their "traditional retail" equivalents because they do not have to have added margins for distributors and retailers. PS Audio is slightly different in that when they went D2C in the US, they... | |
Sharing SACDs The artists get SOOOOOO much money from the music you stream. | |
Puritan PMS 156 vs. Audioquest Niagara 3000 @phillyb it depends. If the people listening were ASR acolytes and they were told everything measured perfectly and had been blessed by Amir, there would be no system ever that could compare. If it was done blind, likely, "fine". YMMV | |
Posting the wrong MSRP: why? "I know what I got man!" |