

Responses from russbutton

Best speakers for $3000
@ctsooner You are correct in the notion that it’s difficult to sell something like my 12 channel B&K amp. And you’re also precluded from using the many fine, better 2 channel amps out there (unless you want to buy 4 of ’em...). Getting into a ... 
I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately
@philkoan The next time you think about buying something hi-end at Mac prices, I urge you to consider Bryston gear, new or used.  Everything Bryston sells comes with a 20 year transferable warranty.  I once purchased an 18 year old Bryston .5B pre... 
Linkwitz Lab Loundpeaker baffle
Linkwitz used to design microwave antennas for HP.  He looks at loudspeakers as if they were sound wave broadcasting antennas.  Chances are he knows what he's talking about. 
Jazz for aficionados
One more thing about Wesla Whitfield.  Y'all really need to read this article about her to fully appreciate what heart she brings to her music.http://articles.latimes.com/1999/apr/18/news/mn-28533 
Jazz for aficionados
Been reading through this thread.  A whole lotta passion goin' on.  My first vinyl jazz purchase was the Buddy Rich "Mercy, Mercy, Mercy" recording back when I was in Junior College.  Nixon was president.  My first system was a Heath AJ14 FM tuner... 
I think I've Just Seen Absolute Proof That Audiophiles Are Insanely Gullible
P.T. Barnum was right. 
TUBE AMP LOVERS - What SS amp makes you smile???
B&K MOSFET amps.  Affordable too. 
Is it possible to be an audiophile and be happy with what you have
To me what it is to be an audiophile is to be one who loves listening to music and always wants to hear it a little better if they can.   The last three words "if they can" are critical.  All engineering is a matter of design compromises and optim... 
Horn Speakers and Sub Woofers
A horn stops acting like a horn where the size of the mouth of the horn is 1/4 wavelength.  That's why the Klipschorn is in the room corner.  It uses your room corner as part of the horn.  What I don't know is given the flare rate of an exponentia... 
Best speakers for $3000
bdp24 writes:"One problem with the LX521 is that it requires six channels of amplification---three stereo power amps. That nullifies it's low price."Not at all.  The LX521 calls for 8 to 10 channels at 60wpc.  I run a 12 channel B&K AV1260 whi... 
What used speaker would you buy with $20,000-$35,000 and why?
stewart0722 writes:"I also cast a vote for the Linkwitz 521, but the multichannel discrete aspect makes it a difficult speaker.....plus you have to build it yourself......."I don't know what's hard about the Linkwitz being a multi-amplified speake... 
Another musician has died
We're at that age where a lot of the good cats are going to that Big Stage in the Sky.  It's a package deal guys.    We get to hear them when they're young and wonderful, but that package comes with an expiration date.  Fortunately their music doe... 
I am really disappointed with the hip-hop enthusiasts on Audiogon
I'm a big band swing player.   The night Tupac Shakur was shot, one of the other trumpet players in my band proclaimed that someone struck a blow for good music... 
What's up with the ridiculous offers?!?
May I introduce you to the "Delete" key? 
I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately
Generalizations typically have their basis in fact somewhere, but not always. I’ll certainly go with #2. The Mac dealer in San Francisco, The House of Music, caters to the wealthy. A very close friend was their repair tech for over 10 years but le...