
Responses from rwwear

Preferred Audio Output, USB or 3.5mm?
Video is important with Bluray, DVDA and music/video DVDs. 
Preferred Audio Output, USB or 3.5mm?
What about Hi Rez Bluray audio? 
Pink Floyd 
sibilence....any cures out there?
Best and cheapest way is to toe your speakers in til they converge just in front of your listening position. This usually helps in imaging too. It's easy to try anyway. 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
You're the one fighting for your belief's Liz. I am a disbeliever. 
Power Cord for Power Conditioner
I agree with Jeff. The idea that power cords can affect sound quality is simply ridiculous as long as they are of adequate size. A removable power cord simply makes components easier to package and install. 
Dipping my toe into the high res waters imagine how good it will be when you dip your ears in. 
Pink Floyd in HI REZ......finally
Here they come 
Pink Floyd in HI REZ......finally
I can't wait to buy them all again! 
Old vs. New
A lot depends on whether the component was good to begin with. 
840C as a DAC. What do I need
It depends Goat. If it's fairly easy to run a cable from the digital out, it's not. You can also do it wirelessly fairly easy and inexpensively. These work great if all you need is CD quality. 
How can I connect my TV to my Mc130
Do you have a cable box or satellite or just plain cable/antennae? If you have either a cable or satellite box it would be better to connect it to the processor. Otherwise the TV should have digital as well as RCA outputs that can go to the proces... 
840C as a DAC. What do I need
The Pure looks good but it can't make an iPod sound much better if the files aren't high resolution. 
840C as a DAC. What do I need
Your computer would be better because you can simply use the digital out from it into the DAC and then anything on the computer can be played back. You can even download some hi resolution stuff and use it with the DAC. To play back the iPod simpl... 
Preferred Audio Output, USB or 3.5mm?
I know most DACs that use HDMI for I2s only but they should use regular HDMI. HDMI will transmit SACD, DSD, DVDA, FLAC and every other HI REZ format I know of. USB is good but limited to what HI REZ formats it can transmit and so is SPDIF. Plus if...