Responses from rx8man
Review: db System Zardoz Ultimo Transport Andrew,That's the way I feel, floating statements don't cut it for me.I like to put my money where my ears are.Same room, equipment, cables, music etc, your place or mine. | |
Review: db System Zardoz Ultimo Transport Andrew, I'm very sure the Zardoz is the cat's butt and don't doubt your description about it one iota.I do completely agree with Clio09 100% in saying my CEC TL-2X + Museatex Bitstream Dac = Analog.I'm up for a front-end shoot-out, to satisfy my c... | |
Review: db System Zardoz Ultimo Transport I'm not very computer audio savy (due to the numerous designs, implementations and advances) From my past readings and experience, I was under the impression 16/44 done properly w/o up or oversampling created a smoother, analog sound ?Is there an ... | |
Review: db System Zardoz Ultimo Transport Excellent read Andrew !Sounds like the next move for the millenium has really come into focus. | |
How does one get off the merry-go-round? Swampwalker (love that moniker, so memorable)Slam-Dunk >> already have both !! | |
How does one get off the merry-go-round? I am powerless, my audio addiction has become unmanageable, I must look toward a higher power to help restore my mental sanity, yes.Wow !!!! that's a really nice preamp, I never heard sound so live and beautiful how much is it ? | |
How does one get off the merry-go-round? My wife is a CDC counselor and I'm in audio denial. | |
Review: Intuitive Design/Pitcher Sound Labs Summit PSL 624 Speaker A small update on my listening.The Summit speakers will most certainly remain my reference for many years to come.They ultimately provide a most musical presentation (clear view through the open window) with ALL genres of music, you name it, no si... | |
Modifications to California Audio Labs/CAL Delta? Jab's suggestion is "right-on"I had that combo, then replaced the Delta with a CEC TL-2X, the resulting sound turned into music, I've had the CEC ever since. | |
Review: Tube Research Labs Dude Tube preamp Bill, you can count me in, a couple more weeks and I'm there with ya.Thanks "Dude" ! | |
Review: Tube Research Labs Dude Tube preamp I'm also getting a Dude in a couple weeks, that's being converted from an earlier TRL 1.5 battery powered version.It has separate Left / Right 40+ step attenuators which will remain from the previous preamp set-up. | |
Review: KCI Silkworm+ Interconnect Interconnect I couldn't have said it better Mintzar, you nailed it perfectly.Wait till you get that second pair between your Dac and Preamp !! | |
Review: Intuitive Design/Pitcher Sound Labs Summit PSL 624 Speaker Luis, I prefer Italian dark roast in my favorite mug, so BYOC (bring your own cup) no sharing, me drinks separate ! | |
Tidal speakers... particulary Tidal Sunray Good post Maxx !Their electronics are also end-of-the-road too (Tidal Preos, Impact Monoblocs) very serious gear from this German company with little, or no competition.I'd take an entire Tidal system and call it a life.I would also like to hear a... | |
Review: Intuitive Design/Pitcher Sound Labs Summit PSL 624 Speaker I finally received my Summits, long wait but well worth it.They are completely measured in room, set-up on the granite surface plates, Stillpoints properly adjusted, bottom path stands filled with the appropriate amount of fine sand (25lbs equated... |