
Discussions ryder has started

Do new NOS tubes need break-in/running-in?1560411
Need Advice On Placing Absorption Panel On Ceiling353311
Why Can't Tubes Be Mass-Produced Cheaply?858530
Anyone Own The PMC TLE1 Subwoofer?27440
HD-DVD Officially Dead611319
Amp Designs That Are Able To Drive 4/2 Ohms Load1125217
Nordost Pulsar Points -Anybody Tried Them?347807
Are Sound Waves Able To Penetrate Canvas Painting?3599022
XLO Signature S2-2.2 Balanced Interconnect394839
How Much Have You Lost Thru' The Upgrade Process?350018
Anybody Felt Lower-End ARC preamps Bass-Shy?1168427
Any Disadvantage Using DVI-HDMI Adapters?898613
Will older films be produced on blu-ray or HD?555920
Is Krell KPS-30i A Good Transport?75903
Which CD failed you on bass notes?409513