
Responses from saeyedoc

AV Processor Question
I too have a 5 channel Parasound amp that I was running with a BK ref20 until recently. After seeing how much dedicated pre/pros are, I ended up getting an Anthem MRX300 to use as a pre/pro. It's been working great. I'd buy a receiver based on the... 
Need help with iPad, squeezebox, iMac
Did you upgrade your ipad to ios6? There have been some reported problems with the Logitech app on that. ipeng may still work, do you have that? If not, it's well worth the $10. You may want to post on the slimdevices forum if that doesn't help. 
MacBook Pro output to DAC
Depends on your DAC. If it has a good USB input, that would be the way to go. If not, USB to spdif converter into your DAC would be next best probably, followed by min-toslink into DAC. 
Any other AQ Dragonfly Early Adopters out there?
I have some concerns about the long term reliability, there are several posts on head-fi reporting a loosening of the USB connector. One guy had to prop up the DF to hear things properly. The upcoming dragontail should help, but kind of dampers th... 
Simple Wireless Computer Audio Setup
Another option would be to use a DLNA solution. Playback is a good, inexpensive DLNA server that runs on OSX. I stream to my Oppo-93, but any DLAN renderer would work. The interface is just too clunky for me to use on a regular basis with a high n... 
Simple Wireless Computer Audio Setup
It's really no big deal to load LMS on her laptop. The program is small and takes up minimal resources. 
Simple Wireless Computer Audio Setup
If you want a wireless DAC, the Audioengine D2 uses it's own wifi network ($600).The SB Touch is very easy to setup and use, you could get one while they are still available. The software could be used with other hardware (ipeng app on idevice int... 
Replacing Duet with Touch?
If you're not already using it, I highly recommend the ipeng app. 
Squeezebox Line Comes to an End
Just read the threads on the slimdevices forums. There are some great posts from current and former Logitech employees. The new system is incompatible with the SB Touch. Current SB Radios can be upgraded to the new system. They are going in a comp... 
HDtracks Music Libary Software For Macs
You don't need any of those to use the Squeezebox, but keep in mind they just discontinued them yesterday. My music is mostly on an external 2TB HD on an imac. The Touch is in another room connected via coax digital to my Anthem MRX. I also setup ... 
Squeezebox Line Comes to an End
A technical success maybe, but from a marketing standpoint it was a bomb. Too complicated for the masses I guess. Hopefully continuing support for current owners will last for a few years. The new Smart Radio has no digital out, mono, no support f... 
Is the Squeezebox Touch complicated?
Logitech pulled the plug on Squeezebox products today. Their new product is a "Smart Radio". Very similar to the SB radio, but uses a new web based server. No replacement at this time for the Touch. Supposedly current users will still be supported... 
Where to audition headphones in NYC ?
Brookstone carries much of the Beyerdynamic line, check to see if the NYC store has them to demo, they didn't at the store here. 
67 yrs. old computer audio
I'm a Squeezebox convert myself. It's so convenient being able to browse through my 50k songs using the ipeng app on an ipad.Once it's setup, it's very easy to use. A simple, free software mod will allow you to use the USB port as an ouptut into y... 
Apple and MOG
You don't need a computer for those functions, something like a Squeezebox touch would work.