

Responses from sagger

Speaker Cable Recommendation
You may be pressed to find such a Goddess!!!! 
Speaker Cable Recommendation
Keep on pluggin Pops... I know exactly what your talkin about. I put in a play room for the kids down stairs last year. Of course, my long term secret intention of use is that it will eventually be my dedicated room for audio(shhhh... don't tell a... 
Speaker Cable Recommendation
Carl: Point well taken. My guess is your single. I'm married with kids, so compromise is a BIG part of my life. I've been an audiophile for about 25 years now. When I first got married I got out of it. I've been back into it for about 8 years now.... 
Speaker Cable Recommendation
"nhorton" Thanks for the monoblock suggestion, however I have the wife factor here. All my equipment must be concealed in a antique cabinet. In fact, that's the reason for the long speaker cable run. I had to snake the wires down through the cella... 
Speaker Cable Recommendation
"Carl-eber" Thank you for your candid response. It's much appreciated. Because I need such a long run (24ft), it's to costly to try every cable out there(cableguys only give credit not money back on long runs because they consider them specials). ... 
Speaker Cable Recommendation
"Carl-eber" Could you be more specific as to why you don't like the analysis plus oval 9? I've heard nothing but good things about it & was considering trading my A.Q. midnight III. Please advise. [ 
Bedini Clarifier II, FuruTech RD-1 etc
"Shayner's" right. I had the Bedini Clarifier. Not only is it built cheesy, it's made absolutley no sonic improvements to my ears. In my opinion this classifies as one of Voodoo ripoff tweaks. Save your money. Buy a PS Audio P-300 for real sonic i... 
Whats a good tube preamp?
Ops...I just realized, my comments to Avguygeorge should actually be addresed to Thonepile. Sorry. 
Whats a good tube preamp?
Asa you obviously know JOULE. It's really a sleeper & earns it's reputation purley by word of mouth. I found out about JOULE through a friend. Someone who's owned the BAT's, CAT's, ARC's, CJ's & just insisted I listen to the JOULE. Long st... 
Small Speakers w/ Full Range Sound
I'm assuming you are referring to moniters??? No small speaker will give you full range sound regardless of claims. I personally own a pair of Sonus Faber Electa Amators MK1 of which I am very pleased. They have mids & silky highs to die for n... 
Whats a good tube preamp?
I must comment on what some are saying about CJ having colored sound. After owning several models (PV-8, PV-12AL & familiar with the PV-5 , Premeir-14, the 16LS),yes indeed the older models were quite colored, but not the new ones. In fact man... 
Whats a good tube preamp?
Of all the ones you mentioned the CJ 16LS is by far the best. I have not personaly heard, but I'm told it is 90-95% of the $17,000 CJ ART. It will offer you more resolution & detail than the others along with that uncomprimised magical midrang... 
DIY Bi-wire; Audioquest Midnights
Save yourself the trouble. Don't bi-wire. Purchase or make yourself a good pair of jumpers with spades & use a single run. You may loose a touch of bass, but you will gain more midrange & treble resolution.