
Discussions salby6 has started

DVD-transport and DAC lock question19660
Tweaks for a Jolida JD601A CD player30491
Good DVD changers to use as transports?33554
Large volume adjustments on Jolida amp29792
Jolida 1501RC shutdown and system "pops"39443
No signal lock on my new used Adcom DAC43365
Better music--classic DAC's or new Channel Islands37874
Upper midrange glare prominence --650611
Looking for a better CD changer41206
Use of high current integrated amp w Panamax 1000+26091
Loss of sound level with sub--low inputs17322
Connecting a sub to amp pre-amp outs?4144711
Older Infinity subwoofers--what is a servo sub?177645
What is a "servo" sub and any advantages?22574
Wharfedale subs--anyone know of these?234732