
Responses from scott22

Best Class D GaNFET Amp Comparison. Who to invite?
Technics sug 700 mk 2 and it does have GaN.  
What to change a systemic question
Newbee thanks I actually own the Shiits eq small differences.  
Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"
To each his own, RAP is music to the ears of many,but not my cup of tea.  
Previous Ownership...does it matter to you?
I’ve bought two systems cores used. My first adcom gear and snell speakers from a friend of a friend. The second system bought on Audiogon a technics sug700 and canton reference speakers all from local sellers. I used local sellers just in case th... 
It was 61 years ago today...
When the Beatles first hit our shores, I was firmly into the Motown sound and did not like the Beatles while in high school, yeah, yeah, yeah. Then I went to college, Sgt. Pepper's came out, and Vietnam war was killing my friends while I played ba... 
New Pink Floyd release
forgetaboutit. nothing new here.They are in it for the money recycling once again. New car, caviar, four star, daydream Think I'll buy me a football team Money Get back I'm alright, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack Money It's a hit Don't gi... 
Favourite Guitarists
My,my,my no one mentions Carlos Santana,or Peter Townsend maybe not the best there ever was but to listen to on a great system.  
Custom Tuning Conspiracy
Who gives a rats patoot.   
If there was only ONE album/cd/release you can listen to, over and over.............
Do speaker cables really make a difference ?
OK assuing all the wires attached to the components are top shelf(and likely costly)and the synergy is perfect. What happens to the sound(signals) when the signals  meet the cheap zip cord like internal speaker wires?  It can't be good can it, How... 
Why do Tube Amps sound more romantic v SS amps
  I find this post most rewarding to read  for the manner in which each post was written and the the content contained within directed at individuals not having the knowledge base most of you have. Very informative! Thanks to all for your insight... 
Nearly all manufacturers do not advertise/exhibit their product measurements? Why?
I find it fun,educational and amusing learning about gear but you can get lost in all the variables that come into play. Keep it simple stupid applies to audio ultimatly Ears carry the day.    
Why do so many sellers take offense to offers on their listings?
As an old dude on a fixed income I look for value in quality used audio gear. I do my due dilegence and know within reason what the product offered is worth. I also will only purchase used gear close to home that is in excellent working condition.... 
What was the last CD you bought (Name, and year issued)?
I saw an ad for 600 classical CDs for $150. They are all brand new but older from 1980.-2010.Most top labels from Sony, London, DG,and even a few from Telarc. At .25 a CD and all the major composers represented,I am in no rush to stream, maybe in ... 
Ali Baba
Buyer Beware purchased a $ 13 knockoff(looked legit from the outside) of a few hundred dollar  Cardas interconnect just to see what's up.  Junk is what's up. Note it would send my amp into clipping, weird. Took the interconnect  apart poor solderi...