Responses from sedond
LeAmp from Norh? sean, you're correct, but brian cheney (owner of vmps) also said that you would have to spend >$3k to get an amp that could top the norh le amp.doug s. | |
Good small sub. i don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but "good small sub" is an oxymoron, imo. size matters! ;~) you can't easily (or inexpensively) get around the laws of physics. i like vmps - dollar-for-dollar, the loudest-playing, lowest-frequency-respons... | |
Rega and VPI tonearm owners - READ THIS bob55, there is a heavyweight now made to fit the o-l modified regas. sknnyc, just so you're aware, what o-l is talking about on their www has *nothing* to do w/the express machining heavyweight - these guys are competitors! ;~) o-l's mod replace... | |
An open letter to Terrorists piezo has the only comments that make complete sense, imo. anyone clamoring for war should remember what einstein said: i dunno about www-lll, but ww-iv will be fought w/sticks.and, i'm also really sick of palestinians in israel suiciding themselv... | |
TT opinions please geezer, lotsa good adwice here, & i don't see how ya could go wrong w/*any* of the recommendations. my only ting to ad is, whatever ya finally choose, go *used*. yule definitely maximize the bang-fer-buck. for ~$1800, i have an oracle 'table, ... | |
looking for the right integrated wombat, while i don't know if i could ever go back to all-s/s, now that i've tried toobs, i'd check out electrocompaniet integrateds - i really like their amps...doug s. | |
Would You Pay $9.95 For Satillite Radio i'd be interested, depending on sound-quality, programming, & if i could get it w/o having to subscribe to any wideo channels. we presently get 3 tv stations - *more* than enuff, imo! ;~)doug s. | |
Speakers with a 360 degree sound. Read audiokinesis, please explain the differences between bi-polar & dipolar speakers; i've always thought these are pretty-much the same ting...tanks, doug s. | |
Vinyl or wait for the new stuff?? hi tobias,cd-players became commercially awailable in 1984. i double-czeched the linn website to werify its introduction of the lp12 in 1972. there were plenty of excellent-sounding, reasonable-priced turntables around at this time - both prior to... | |
Tube preamp with remote for 1K used yup, the m-d is yust the latest iteration. the older one's ackshully have a more transparent wolume pot - the photentiometer, instead of alps pots. but they had q/c problems - dint hold up well to the rigors of ups. the one on a-gon for $750 is a ... | |
Moving coil cartridge (AT OC-9) and Hum i'd try switching the 'tables, if ya haven't done it yet. mite also try a s/s pre-preamp - aren't yours tubed? while i like toobs, they can be noisy on fono-stages w/low-output cartridges...doug s. | |
Tube preamp with remote for 1K used my music-director is a true fully-balanced design, so it has 4 6922/7308 tubes. but, the single-ended wersions & the sha-golds (single-ended inputs w/balanced & single-ended outputs) i do believe use only two 6922/7308 toobs.doug s. | |
Tube preamp with remote for 1K used i'm w/musicdoc - i heard an older wersion - the sha-gold, a couple years ago & was blown away by the sound for the price. i currently use the melos' top-line two-box wersion, the music director (was ma-333r), but the sha-gold/gold-r is right u... | |
Speakers with a 360 degree sound. Read mbl & german physiks also make 360 degree speakers, besides ohm acoustics. re: bipolar sound, (which *is* a lot different than 360 degree sound), i always thought the comments of jim thiel were interesting when he said why he stopped prowiding... | |
Bi-amping Tablettes with a Classik? jeff, what yude be doing is bi-wiring, not bi-amping. i had nice result biwiring my present monitors, but bi-amping (especially wertically, if ya got identical amps), is even better. i had a pair of tablette 2000 signatures in my system for a coup... |